Integrity checker stuck and infinitely loading for some time


Integrity checker stuck and infinitely loading for some time


  • After running the Integrity Checker and attempting to “Fix“ issues found in data integrity, the process gets stuck in the fixing processing.

  • Loading the browser does not solve the issue. The progress message shows “Fixing: Check add-on configuration - Check baselines and issue revision history for projects that have been deleted”.

  • No errors related to the integrity check appear in the logs.


Delete the stuck job the the clusteredjob table. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Run a Select query in the clusteredjob table to verify the integrity checker job.

    SELECT * FROM CLUSTEREDJOB WHERE JOB_RUNNER_KEY = 'easesolutions.requirements.integritychecker'
  2. Execute this query to delete the job from the clusteredjob table.

    DELETE FROM CLUSTEREDJOB WHERE JOB_RUNNER_KEY = 'easesolutions.requirements.integritychecker'
  3. Go back to R4J’s Integrity Checker page. The process should no longer be stuck. If the integrity check is executed again, a new record of the job will be inserted to the table.

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