R4J Data Center - Requirements Management for Jira
R4J - Requirements Management for Jira Data Center Documentation
R4J is a native Jira add-on that extends Jira with the features of an enterprise requirements management solution.
This guide provides step-by-step instructions to help you take full advantage of the features of R4J.
R4J enables professional requirements management right inside Jira.
Requirements management can be a complicated process, but using R4J it becomes simpler and more agile.
An effective requirements manager oversees the development process all the way to delivery and operation of the product. He ensures that the product satisfies the customer's requirements and is delivered in a timely and cost-effective manner. Whether your organization has adopted agile practices or is still following a traditional waterfall methodology, R4J supports your requirements management process to achieve these goals.
Key elements in a requirements management process that are supported by R4J:
Hierarchical documentation
Robust change control process, including version control
Status tracking
Key Features
Folder Structures - Organize requirements in a hierarchical folder structure.
Reading View - Display requirements inside their hierarchy.
Version Control - View detailed, comparable change histories to track the evolution of your requirements.
Baselines - Snapshot current data to keep track of milestones and support reviews.
Requirements Reuse - Reduce time to market by reusing requirements from existing projects: Save Effort, Save Time!
Import - Import requirements in ReqIF format.
Export - Export requirements in various formats (Word, Excel, XML, ReqIF) for offline processing or sharing with external teams.
Microsoft Excel Integration - Seamless roundtrip integration with MS Excel.
Traceability Matrix - Visualize and analyze the relationships within requirements as well as other sorts of issues.
Coverage Analysis - Detect gaps in the coverage of your requirements across the hierarchy.
Suspect Logic - Discover requirements that need review when related requirements or other sorts of issues have been changed.
REST API - Integrate and extend R4J using the extensive API.
How-To and Troubleshooting
Are you looking for something specific?
Take a look at the How-to pages and our guides for trouble shooting.
What´s coming next in R4J?
Check out the Roadmap section to see upcoming new features.