Configuring Custom Export Templates


Configuring Custom Export Templates


R4J supports Word and Excel files that serve as templates for exporting requirements - see Word Template based Export and Excel Template Based Export. Templates are uploaded and managed by the Jira Administrator.

You need the "Export Template Configuration" user permission to manage export templates. See Managing User Permissions.

Manage Export Templates

Select Requirements > Export Template Configuration from the navigation bar. Existing templates are listed and can be edited or deleted.

To upload a new template, select the Add new template button and provide the file. After upload, the template will be available for the export operation.

The upload file size limit for export templates is based on the attachment size in Jira. To configure this, go to Jira settings > System > Advanced > Attachments.

Template Properties

Template Name

The name of the template that is shown in selecting the template in the export operation.

Only the name of the template is provided in the export operation. The rest of the properties are only intended for the purpose of administration.


Extra information about the template.

File Name

The file name of the template used to upload or update a template. The supported extensions are the following:

  • Word: .docx, .docm, .dotm, .dotx 

  • Excel: .xlsx, .xlsm, .xltm, .xltx

Uploaded by

The user who performed the last upload or update operation.

Uploaded at

The timestamp of the last upload or update operation.