



Requirements Management for Jira enables administrators to manage configurations of components such as the project tree. These are located in the R4J section of Manage apps > Configuration.

Configuration Reference

R4J Configuration Option



R4J Configuration Option



Maximal visible sub-items in tree

Limit the number of items (folders, issues, pages) listed under any item in the tree view.

To optimize the tree view capabilities, a limit may be configured so that only necessary information is loaded.

To show all sub-items of an item, input zero (0).

While this configuration limits the number of visible items in the tree, all items can be viewed in the reading view and tabular view.

Minimum free needed memory to process coverage

Specify the percentage of free memory required to continue processing a coverage view rendering or export.

Processing a large coverage view may cause a Jira instance to become unstable (or even crash). This configuration prevents such behavior by specifying a free server memory (max memory) threshold to be respected during a coverage view process. If this value is reached, to guarantee the server stability, the user will have two options:

  • Stop the coverage statistics processing completely,

  • or Keep waiting, which continued coverage statistics processing indefinitely every time sufficient amount of memory is made free to be used.

In the image above (something you would find in JVM Statistics), the heap variables are:

- Total memory: 32 GB
- Free memory: 19.2 GB

The Configuration is set to: 10% of the total memory, which is 3.2 GB.

- Needed free memory: 3.2 GB

Since the free memory available to be used is greater than the needed memory, the processing will continue automatically.

If there comes a time when the free memory is less that what is needed, a warning notification showing the user options to stop or keep waiting will pop-up.

This value may vary depending on your server instance. It is influenced by different factors, such as server configuration, available memory, dedicated heap memory size, third-party plugins installed, concurrent operations, and so on. The default setting can be lowered to improve customer satisfaction.

The default value is 30% free memory. To process the coverage view regardless of free memory, set the configuration to 0%.

Number of levels expandable in tree

Specify number of levels that can be expanded at one time in the tree view of R4J activated projects.

Select from level options: None (the default), 2, 3, 4, 5, All.

Note that allowing to expand all is known to cause performance issues.

Coverage percentage formula

Choose the formula to be used when calculation coverage percentage.

Select between Row-based (the default) and Issue-based calculation.


The row-based calculation is the default formula for calculating coverage in R4J Datacenter.

The equation is as follows:

a = total number of rows in previous column b = number of rows not covered in current column coverage = (a - b) / a * 100


The equation for the issue-based calculation is as follows:

a = number of issues in previous column
b = number of issues in previous column not covered in current column
coverage = (a - b) / a * 100

Tour guide

Enable or disable the tour guide for the new user interface changes.

When the tour guide gets stuck when upgrading to version 5.0.0 or higher, a toggle may be disabled to hide the tour mode on all easeRequirements pages.