Coverage View
The Coverage View provides an overview of project requirements or subsets of requirements from the point of view of completeness. The view helps answer questions such as how well high-level requirements can be traced to lower-level requirements, or other types of issues such as test cases. It helps identify gaps in coverage that may require attention.
The view displays a customizable chain of linked requirements or other issue types, organized into columns. This arrangement helps users assess the extent to which these requirements cover the entire domain. A completeness calculation aids in this assessment. For example, you can determine if customer-level features are appropriately broken down into technical requirements, and whether these are in turn covered by test cases.
To navigate to the coverage view, open an easeRequirements project and select Coverage > Coverage in the easeRequirements menu bar.
The effective use of the coverage view depends on the practices of your organization and its development process. You need to take into account how different types of requirements or other types of issues are structured, as well as how they are linked together and used. An organization might have different practices for different situations, so different coverage views can be defined and saved in the Coverage View.
The sheer number of requirements in a project may also be a challenge to understanding the coverage, so identifying significant subsets of the requirements and organizing them in different views is also an effective practice.
- 1 Overview
- 2 User Interface
- 3 Coverage View Operations
- 3.1 Open saved coverage view
- 3.2 Create new coverage view
- 3.3 Create new coverage view from existing view
- 3.4 Export coverage view to Excel
- 3.5 Export coverage view to Excel using a template
- 3.6 Copy coverage view link to clipboard
- 3.7 Delete coverage view
- 3.8 Change position of coverage view in list
- 3.9 Update level configuration
- 3.10 Add level
- 3.11 Remove level
- 3.12 Enable folder filter
- 3.13 Disable folder filter
- 3.14 Link or unlink issues
- 3.15 Review suspect link
- 3.16 Open issue
- 3.17 Determine display fields
- 3.18 Refresh coverage view
- 4 Formulas for calculating coverage completeness
User Interface
A coverage view is displayed as a table whose cells contain requirements or other types of issues. The columns, called “levels”, indicate relationships between the requirements. For example, the first column might contain high-level Customer Requirements, while the second column contains lower-level Functional Requirements, representing a relationship between the two sorts of requirements. The relationship is defined by links between the requirements.
By default, the relationship involves adjacent columns, but it is possible to have a relationship between non-adjacent columns. This is indicated with the option Column Basis in the coverage view configuration.
By inspecting the table, users can quickly identify gaps in coverage by the appearance of cells labeled “Not covered”. For example, a Customer Requirement that has no related Functional Requirement is easily spotted by that label appearing in an adjacent cell in the Functional Requirement level. Each level except for the first also displays a completeness percentage.
Coverage views with different configurations can be saved and are displayed to the left of the coverage view. The views are organized into two folders:
Personal Views are only available to the user that created them. By default, a newly created view is personal.
Public Views are available to everyone who has access to the Jira project.
Coverage View Operations
Purpose | Operation | Comment |
Open saved coverage view |
Create new coverage view |
| As of the third level, the option Column Basis becomes available, making it possible to select a different level as the anchor of the relationship rather than the level immediately to the left. |
Create new coverage view from existing view |
Export coverage view to Excel |
| Export is handled as a background task since the operation may take some time. It is possible to continue working while the task is executing. A save file dialog will appear when the task is complete. While coverage completeness is being calculated, export is disabled. |
Export coverage view to Excel using a template |
| |
Copy coverage view link to clipboard |
Delete coverage view |
Change position of coverage view in list |
| This is how to change a view from private to public or vice-versa. Only the owner of the view can do this. |
Update level configuration |
Add level |
| As of the third level, the option Column Basis becomes available, making it possible to select a different level as the anchor of the relationship rather than the level immediately to the left. |
Remove level |
| Only the rightmost level can be removed. |
Enable folder filter |
| It obviously makes no sense to select a project that is not one of the projects used in the view. |
Disable folder filter |
Link or unlink issues |
Review suspect link |
Open issue |
Determine display fields |
| The fields displayed by default are Summary, Key, Issue Type, Status, Priority, and Suspect Links. The configuration is saved when the view is saved. The default list of fields for a project can be configured by the app administrator by selecting “Save as project default” text. |
Refresh coverage view |
Formulas for calculating coverage completeness
By default, the row based formula is used in calculating coverage completeness percentage. The formula can be configured in the global easeRequirements Configuration by a system administrator.
Row based
a = total number of rows in previous column
b = number of rows not covered in current column
((a - b) / a * 100
Issue based
a = number of issues in previous column
b = number of issues in previous column not covered in current column
((a - b) / a * 100