Create Scheduled Adding of Issues


Create Scheduled Adding of Issues


Create jobs for scheduled adding issues

The following script will create automatic issue import configurations.

In this example, the code will create a scheduled adding job for issues that contains the text "Login_UI_req" in summary field and store in the folder with the id 302.

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def create_scheduled_job(host_url, username, password, project_key, job_name, folder_id, jql_or_filter, interval):
    This method allows the creation of jobs for the scheduled adding of existing issues
    Query parameters:
    [project_key] the project key
    Query parameters:
    [job_name] the name of the scheduled job
    [folder_id] the folder id of the tree folder
    [filter] the JQL or JIRA filter
    [interval] the time interval in minutes

    # The REST API path to allow the creation of jobs for the scheduled adding of existing issues
    path_uri = '/rest/com.easesolutions.jira.plugins.requirements/1.0/tree/' + project_key + '/createscheduledjob?'

    # The field-value pair/s for the query string of the URI
    job_name_field_value = 'name=' + job_name
    folder_id_field_value = '&folderId=' + folder_id
    filter_field_value = '&filter=' + jql_or_filter
    interval_field_value = '&interval=' + interval

    # The query string to be added to the URI
    query_string = job_name_field_value + folder_id_field_value + filter_field_value + interval_field_value

    # Send a POST request to allow the creation of jobs for the scheduled adding of existing issues
    # Return the result of the POST request
        return requests.post(host_url + path_uri + query_string,
                             auth=HTTPBasicAuth(username, password))
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
        print e
# ['SC'] the project key parameter where the scheduled adding job will be added
# ['Login UI Req'] job name parameter of the scheduled adding job
# ['302'] folder id parameter of the folder where the issues will be added
# ['summary ~ "Login_UI_req"'] the JQL parameter to use to get the issues
# ['2'] interval parameter in minutes
# Store the result of the POST request to [response]
response = create_scheduled_job(HOST_URL, USERNAME, PASSWORD, 'SC', 'Login UI Req', '302',
                                'summary ~ "Login_UI_req"', '2')

# Check response if scheduled job is created
if response.status_code == 201:
    print response.text
    print 'Error code: ', response.status_code
    print response.text

Refer to Constant variable for information of the following constant variable: [HOST_URL, USERNAME, PASSWORD]

Rule Login UI Req has been successfully created