Dashboard Gadgets
Get a quick look at risk and measure statistics by using custom easeRisk for Jira gadgets in your dashboard.
To add a gadget to a Jira dashboard:
Go to an existing dashboard or create a new dashboard by selecting Dashboards in the Jira navigation bar.
On the dashboard, select Add Gadget.
In the gadget wizard, select Load all gadgets.
Search for the easeRisk gadget name and add it to the dashboard.
If your Jira instance has an application link to a Confluence instance, you can use this gadget in Confluence by adding it to a page as a Macro.
Risk Register Summary
The Risk Register Summary gadget provides a count of risk and measures contained in a selected Project or Board and provides a link directly to the Risk Board.
Use the following options to configure the gadget:
Source | Determine the source, Project or Board, of your risk and measure summary. |
Project | If Project was selected as source, select a project. |
Board | If Board was selected as source, select a board. |
Risk Matrix
The Risk Matrix gadget displays an existing risk matrix configuration from a selected Project or Board.
Use the following options to configure the gadget:
Source | Determine the source, Project or Board, of your risk and measure summary. |
Project | If Project was selected as source, select a project. |
Board | If Board was selected as source, select a board. |
Risk Matrix | Choose an existing risk matrix configuration you want to display in your dashboard. |