Top Risks Report

Top Risks Report


The Top Risks Report allows the user to select a field of interest, typically one that represents a high or low risk rating. It consists of the following components:

  • A sorted table, similar to the Risk Register. The rows can be ordered ascending or descending, and the number of results can be limited. The columns are configurable, allowing users to focus on the important values.

  • DATA CENTER ONLY A history graph that shows how the values of a selected field change for your top risks over a given period of time. Each line in the graph represents a risk. The x-axis represents the time interval, while the y-axis is generated based on the values of the selected field. Below the graph is a legend showing the line color, issue key and summary of the associated risks.

The operations in the Top Risks Report are explained in the table below.






Sort risks based on a risk field

  • Select the desired Field from the dropdown.

  • Select the Order to be used, ascending or descending.

Limit the number of risks

  • Enter a value in Limit to limit the number of results.

Select columns

  • Select Columns in the menu item above the right side of the risk table.

  • Complete the Columns dialog to specify the columns to be displayed in the risk and measure tables.

  • Select Save.

Display the measures associated with a risk

  • Select the > or v icons next to the risk to expand or collapse the display of its associated measures.

Display a risk or measure in Jira view

  • Select the Jira issue key, holding the shift- or control-key to open the Jira view in a new window or tab.

Display all risks in the Jira Issue Navigator

  • Select Show in Jira issue navigator above the table.

Filter with Quick Filter

  • Select a quick filter from the list above the table - see Quick Filters.

Refresh report

  • Select Refresh above the table.

Export risks to Excel

  • Select Export in the menu item above the right side of the risk table. The exported file includes risks and measures with their selected fields as columns.

DATA CENTER ONLY Change time interval of history graph

  • Above the top left of the graph, select the length of time to be included, which could be from 3 to 24 weeks, months, quarters, or years.

DATA CENTER ONLY Show or hide risks in history graph

  • In the graph legend, select the associated item of the risk to be shown or hidden. Hidden risks are indicated with a strike-through.

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