Risk Register


The Risk Register is a list of the risks and associated measures facing one or more projects. The risks are presented in a table with one row per risk. The rows can be expanded to show tables of the associated measures with one row per measure. Risks and measures can be quickly created.

A Risk Board is mandatory to open a Risk Register. To navigate to one, take one of the following steps:

  • Go to the project and select the menu item Risk Management in the left panel and select the board by name.

  • Select the Risks entry in the Jira main navigation bar and select the board by name. If the board’s name does not appear under Recent Boards, then select View All Boards and select the board from that list.

The operations to manage risks in the Risk Register are explained in the table below.








Display measures associated with a risk

  • Select the “>” icon to expand the display of a risk to show the associated measures.

  • Select the “v” icon to collapse the display.


Add a risk

  • Select Add Risk.

  • Complete the Create Issue dialog.

Be sure to create a risk issue and not to inadvertently create an issue of some other type.

Edit a risk or measure

  • Select the pencil icon in the Actions column of a risk or a measure.

  • Complete the Edit Issue dialog.


Add a measure to a risk

  • Select the “+” icon in the Actions column.

  • If more than one link type between measures and risks is available, complete the Add Measure dialog to select the link type. Otherwise, the link type is set automatically.

  • Complete the Create Issue dialog.

Be sure to create a measure issue and not to inadvertently create an issue of some other type.

Link an existing measure to a risk

  • Select the link icon in the Actions column.

  • Complete the Link Issue dialog.

The first link type indicated in the selected risk’s project risk scheme will be preselected. Selecting a link type or issue that does not satisfy the corresponding risk scheme and/or board sub-query may result in the linked measure not reflecting in the risk register.

Display all risks in the Jira Issue Navigator

  • Select the link Show in Jira issue navigator above the table.


Use quick filters

See Quick Filters.


Refresh risks and measures

  • Click on the Refresh button above the left side of the risk table.


Export risks to Excel

  • Select Export button above the right side of the risk table.

The exported Excel file contains all risks with associated measures collapsed next to them, with the same columns as those displayed in the Risk Register.

Select columns of risk and measure tables to display

  • Select Columns button above the right side of the risk table.

  • Complete the Columns dialog to specify the risk and measure columns to be displayed in the tables.

Display the link type used to connect a measure issue to a risk issue by selecting the “Link Type“ field.