
Requirement TreeREQ-6122BugfixFixed an issue where in certain cases, a requirement could be removed from the tree when moving it by drag and drop
Requirement TreeREQ-6098BugfixFixed an issue where there was a Request Failed error displayed when a project contains duplicate requirements (related to REQ-6086)
Requirement TreeREQ-6082BugfixFixed an issue where loading time of the tree got negatively impacted after applying a filter
Requirement TreeREQ-5839BugfixFixed an issue where the Save and Cancel button for the inline edit of folders was not displayed correctly in older Jira versions
ReuseREQ-6116BugfixFixed an issue where the Include related items option also includes linked issues for filtered out requirements
Coverage ViewREQ-6018ImprovementCustom fields of type Select List (single choice) can now be added to the coverage view
BaselinesREQ-5837BugfixBaseline comparison handles Select List (multiple choices) field properly now
Word Template ExportREQ-6073BugfixFixed an issue where sections in a template export got mixed up.
Excel Template ExportREQ-6064Bugfixparentissuekey is now properly populated in Excel Template Export
REST APIREQ-6086BugfixREST Api to add existing issues to a tree will not create duplicate tree items anymore
REST APIREQ-6050Bugfix

Fixed an issue where deleting an issue that has children in the tree did not remove the reference to the child issue but also didn't display it anymore. This lead to the point where users are not able to add the child requirements to the tree.

Important: If you're affected by this, you have to run the intregrity checker (Administration | Add-ons | Requirements for Jira | Integrity Checker) to remove the incorrect references.