QuickStart Export Code Snippets


QuickStart Export Code Snippets

Want to start with your own template? Please see Quick Start Tutorial. We recommend to modify one of our templates we provide for free.

Here are some example snippets to retrieve dedicate information from Jira. Be aware, some CR/LF and space characters added for better reading. Remove them to avoid blank lines or leading blank characters in your Word export.

The first $. in each example refers (in most cases) to the folder or issue of an loop these examples has to be embedded in.

Retrieve all folders summaries of current project

No outside loop necessary, just run it.

[[\each $selectedProject]] [[\recurse $.folders]] [[$.numbering]] [[$.]] [[/recurse]] [[/each]]

Render Description field

Converts the Jira internal markup language to nice formatting. “$.” is the issue given from an loop around this statement.

[[\wiki $.description]] [[/wiki]] [[\if $.description = “”]]No Description availaible[[/if]]

Iterate over all Labels of an issue

[[\if $.labels.count > 0]] Labels: [[\each $.labels]] • [[$.]] [[/each]] [[/if]] [[\if $.labels.count = 0]]Labels: No Labels available [[/if]]

You can replace $.labels by $.children or $.attachments to get other multi value field content.

Iterate over all linked issues

You receive all issues linked to current, also you get issues inside a epic. The variable “link_type_name” is used to detect all different link types.

Iterate over all comments

Iterate over all issue revisions and identify certain change

Start is an issue itself, search in this case for a status change to “Approved”: