Explore the User Interface

Explore the User Interface


Go to easeRequirements via the Project Sidebar

Once a project is activated for easeRequirements Cloud, an additional navigation item appears in the project sidebar that provides access to the easeRequirements components:

  • 1: On Software Projects: Select easeRequirements in the project sidebar

  • 1: On Business Projects: In the apps-dropdown of the project select easeRequirements

  • 2: Use the navigator bar to switch to the tree, coverage, and baseline views

Go to easeRequirements via the Apps Menu

After activating project(s) for easeRequirements, go to the top Apps menu in your Jira navigation and select easeRequirements.


Go to easeRequirements via shared URL

Selected items in the tree and coverage view are reflected in the browser address bar through parameters issueKey and viewId, respectively. When these parameters are not present, the project folder will be selected.

Copy/paste the URL from the address bar to share the direct access it with your colleagues. Jira project permissions apply, so ensure that your colleagues have sufficient permissions to view the project issue or view you’re sharing.

Back/Forth browser navigation

Item navigation in the apps components is supported by the browser history. This means going back and forth between the item you’ve selected using the browser’s back and forward buttons.

Clicking issue key links in the views that are in the Project Tree will select the item in the tree. Otherwise, you are redirected to the Jira issue view or the Jira issue dialog will open.

API Token generation

To use the easeRequirements REST API endpoints, you will need to create an app related API Token.

  • 1: Click on your user avatar on the top right of the Jira navigation

  • 2: Click on easeRequirements - API Token to go to create an API Token for yourself

Project Tree and Sub-views

Organize requirements in a Project Tree. To access the Project Tree and its sub-views, select Tree from the app navigation.

The Detail View includes all the information of the selected requirement: summary, description, other fields, statistics (for folder issue types), child requirements, issue links, attachments, comments, along with workflow actions. To open the detail view, select a specific issue from the Project Tree.

  • 1: Click on the search button to perform a tree text search which highlights the matching issues of the text input in the tree

  • 2: Click on the filter button to perform a filter of the tree which only shows the matching issues of the text input in the tree


The Reading View allows for a better context of your requirements through flowing content.

  • 1: Toggle this icon to switch between the detail view and reading view for folders

  • 2: Manage the display fields you want to show in the reading view

The Tabular View allows for a quick review of your requirements through a table form content.

Coverage and Traceability View

The Coverage and Traceability View provides insight into the consequences of requirement changes. It also shows how complete the coverage is. For example, the view can show whether all features have corresponding requirements. To open the view, select Coverage/Traceability from the app navigation and then select a specific view.

Coverage View

Traceability View

Coverage View

Traceability View




The Baseline allows you to view all the important milestones captured for the project. To open the view, select Baseline from the app navigation.