Migration Server/Data Center to Cloud

Can I migrate my R4J data from Jira Server/Data Center to Cloud?

See in-depth documentation here: Migrating from Jira Server/Data Center to Cloud.

Do I need a new license when migrating to Jira Cloud?

You will need a new license if you’re moving to Jira Cloud, since the Atlassian Marketplace treats the licenses differently. For more details, please visit the purchasing from the Atlassian Marketplace FAQ page.

Can I migrate my Jira Server/Data Center License to Cloud?

If you purchased your Data Center or Server license via the Marketplace, we can handle this for you. Atlassian is encouraging migration to Cloud and providing discounts to eligible customers when migrating. This discount also extends to Marketplace apps, including R4J - Requirements Management for Jira.

Export Options

How can I export my tree view, reading view, or coverage view?

To export data from the tree or reading view, we have added our template based export into the cloud. To do this, refer to this documentation. For the coverage view, we have provided a basic export feature.

Currently, we are still working on the template based export for the coverage view.

Third Party Apps Integration

Why I can´t get data and views from other app vendor into R4J?

Within the Jira Cloud instance, each app provider has the freedom to use their own implementation technology and decide how to view and store the data used by the app. Due to the lack of an interface standard, R4J cannot obtain these views or data.

Script runner behavior and other functions not applicable to the issue creation screen within R4J - any solution?

Due to missing API support by Atlassian Jira, we can´t use the new, extended Jira issue creation dialog (please vote: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/ECO-236). The script runner features are not (or no longer) applied to the old creation dialog. We assume that the situation will improve when Atlassian changes its API.


Can team-managed projects be used within R4J?

Yes, you can already use team-managed projects. We are sorry, your configured custom fields cannot be selected via the Display fields option in Reading and Coverage View. This is currently a limitation of Jira, since there is no way for us to retrieve the configurations of team-managed projects.

How does R4J support data residency?

With the current release, the application is hosted in the EU. Data residency (aka selection of the location where we store R4J data) is currently not supported by Atlassian for all Jira Apps. To know more about our security concept visit our trust page.

Where can I track R4J Cloud incidents?

Subscribe to our status page to get the latest updates on incidents. To get in touch with us, please contact our friendly service staff.