Scheduled Adding Of Issues


Scheduled Adding Of Issues



R4J can automatically add requirements to a folder in the project tree view. A rule runs at a defined interval and results in specific issues being added to a given folder.

Here are some examples of how this feature can be used:

  • requirements created in the project but outside R4J

  • requirements arriving via email or created by integrated testing tools

  • epics created in an agile board

By means of scheduling rules, R4J can assign these sorts of requirements to dedicated folders for subsequent review.

Scheduling Rules

A rule contains the following information:

  • name and optional description

  • destination folder

  • when the rule should be executed - either manually (when a user triggers execution) or at a specified interval

  • the requirements that should be added when the rule runs:

    • all requirements in the Jira project that aren't already in some folder

    • all requirements that satisfy a Jira filter or a Jira JQL query (Note that Only Managed Filters that appear in the following categories can be selected in the Filter picker: Filters shared with current requirements project, Filters in “My“, “Favorite“, and/or “Popular“.)

If you want the requirements satisfying the filter or query to include those that are already in a different project folder (which results in requirements being moved from that folder to a different folder), use the source option “Move issues within own project tree”. If you want to exclude the requirements that are already in a different folder, use the source option “Add issues from filter”.

Rules are executed in the context of their owner, so only issues visible to the owner are added when the rule is run.

Scheduling Permissions

A rule may only be modified by its owner and Jira administrators. The Jira project administrator can restrict the users that are allowed to create and delete rules for individual R4J projects. See Managing Project Permissions.

Accessing Rules

To access the rules in a project, go to the R4J menu item Requirements > Scheduled adding of issues. This opens the Automatic Issue Import Configurations page, where you select a project. Note that this menu item is only displayed if you have scheduling permission, or you have rules left over from a previous time at which you had the permission to create rules.

The rules presented to you depend on your scheduling permissions in the project:

  • With the delete permission you are shown all rules.

  • With the create permission you are shown the rules you have created.

  • Even if you do not currently have any permissions, you still see the rules you've already created, and you are allowed to edit those rules.

Only the owner of a rule and Jira administrators can open the rule and view its settings.

Rule Operations





Create rule

Select Create New Rule in the Automatic Issue Import Configurations page, fill out the form in the Add Rule dialog and select Create.

Edit rule

Select the Edit icon next to the rule, modify the settings in the Update Rule dialog and select Update. The owner of the rule is allowed to edit it.
Jira administrators can edit all rules and, additionally, have the ability to update the Author to another user.

Delete rule

Select the Delete icon next to the rule and confirm deletion in the Delete Rule dialog.

Execute rule

Even if a rule is configured to run automatically, it can be executed manually by selecting the Run icon next to the rule.

Creating Rules using the Project Tree

Rules can also be created by first selecting the target destination folder in the Project Tree View and then selecting the context menu item Add Existing Issues. To create a rule as well as adding issues once, select the option Enable automatic import in the Add existing issues dialog. The name of this rule is the path of the destination folder. This option is only available if you have permission to create rules in the project.

Event Log

R4J creates entries in a log for every important event that occurs during the execution of a rule. The log can be accessed by the JIRA administrator. See Scheduled Adding Of Issues Report.