R4J BETA Installation Process


R4J BETA Installation Process


For any BETA version installation, we recommend to do the following preparations.

  • Prepare a staging environment with a setup similar to your production environment.

Beta releases are still undergoing the final stages of testing. We strongly recommend that you first run and verify a BETA version on a staging system.

  • Backup data for the staging environment before proceeding. 

  • Schedule upgrades at a time when app users low to none. There may be required steps after installation that need time to process.

  • Enable logging before installation so that logs can be exported, in case any errors occur.

    • Go to Administration > System > Logging and Profiling

      Under Default Loggers section, select DEBUG as Logging Level for com.easesolutions 

  • Read all steps provided before you start. In case of questions, please communicate with our support.

What to Expect

  • No downtime is expected for the Jira instance. For some upgrades, there may be downtime for the easeRequirements application. 

  • If there are additional steps required after the upgrade, they must be executed to avoid unexpected errors in the application.


  1. Download the installation file provided.

  2. Go to Manage apps.

  3. Uninstall easeRequirements and Coverage services.

  4. Click on Upload app > Choose file and select the installation file in the file explorer.

  5. Click on Upload.