Summary of functions affected by revisions restructure in R4J 4.5
Project Activation
Affected function | Behavior changed? | Notes |
| Yes | Project activation will be immediate since revision history generation is removed. |
| No | easeRequirements v4.5 project deactivation will be as it was before upgrade. Deactivating a project does not delete revision history data. |
Revision Cleanup
Affected function | Behavior changed? | Notes |
| Yes | New entry in the Add-ons Administration page, allows Jira Administrators to delete unnecessary entries in the easeRequirements revision tables. The cleanup process will delete revisions for issues that are not in any tree and not in any baseline. Revisions of unchanged values will also be deleted. Please backup your data before executing the cleanup. |
| No | Deleting an issue in Jira will delete revisions for issues that are not used in any baseline |
| No | Deleting a project in Jira will delete revisions for all its issues that are not used in any other project’s baseline. The deleted project’s baselines will be deleted. |
| No | Once an issue has been added to the tree, its revisions will be tracked further on. If issue is removed in tree, revisions will still be tracked. The “Revisions Cleanup” process can clean this up if unwanted. |
Affected function | Behavior changed? | Notes |
| Yes | After a Jira Administrator executes the “Revisions Cleanup” process, revisions will only be tracked for issues that have been added to the tree. Once an issue has been added to the tree, its revision will be generated and tracked further on. |
| Yes | Issue links before v4.5 were never tracked in easeRequirements revision history. For revisions v4.5 onwards, issue link changes (linking/unlinking) will show in the revisions. |
| Yes | Issues from non-activated projects before v4.5 were never generated with revision data which may cause missing items in baselining. For revisions v4.5 onwards, any issue added to any requirements project tree regardless if it is activated or not will be generated with revisions to maintain consistency in data especially when baselining. |
Affected function | Behavior changed? | Notes |
| No | easeRequirements v4.5 will display baselines and baseline information as it was before upgrade. |
| No | Revisions will be deleted for issues that no longer exist in Jira. |
| Yes | Baseline creation will be a bit slower from easeRequirements v4.5 since the complete generation of revision history data has been shifted here instead of during project activation. |
Detail View
Affected function | Behavior changed? | Notes |
| Yes | easeRequirements v4.5 retains old revision data from lower versions while incorporating Jira history into new revision data. Old and new revisions may differ slightly in how revisions are created. Most noticeable is generation of revisions for Linked Issues which was not supported in lower versions. Blacklisted fields will not be displayed in the Detail View and will not trigger a revision. |
| Yes | easeRequirements v4.5 tracks suspects through the easeRequirements Suspect custom field which provides details on the changed issue and linked issue(s) affected. This information will show in the revision history. Tip: If unwanted, please include R4J Suspect in the field blacklist. |
| Yes | Revisions can still be compared between issues. For issues that do not have easeRequirements revisions (never added to any easeRequirements tree), only current field values can be compared. Additionally, because of the differences in how values are stored in easeRequirements history vs the Jira history, formatting and display for some custom fields may differ between old easeRequirements revision data and Jira value which affects revision comparison between old and new revisions. |
Issue Revision and Comparison
Affected function | Behavior changed? | Notes |
| Yes | Revisions can still be compared between issues. For issues that do not have easeRequirements revisions (never added to any easeRequirements tree), only current field values can be compared. |
easeRequirements Custom Fields
Affected function | Behavior changed? | Notes |
R4J Issue Revision | No | easeRequirements v4.5 will display the easeRequirements Issue Revision custom field as it was before upgrade. |
R4J Suspect | Yes | The new easeRequirements Suspect custom field provides details on the changed issue and linked issue(s) affected. This information will show in the revision history. If unwanted, please include easeRequirements Suspect in the field blacklist. |
Word Export
Affected function | Behavior changed? | Notes |