Endpoint example to export using template

This is a quick tutorial on how to use R4J's web services using CURL command. The following example will allow a faster start for users to use the R4J web services. 



Export issue details on Word format


The data in the response body when using R4J REST API (excluding the file exported in Tree UI) is in base64 format and can be decoded to a word document (.docx).


# Get list of projects (with projectId) curl -X GET https://eu.r4j-cloud.easesolutions.com/rest/api/1/projects \ -H 'authorization: JWT <Token>' # Get list of templates (with templateId) curl -X GET https://eu.r4j-cloud.easesolutions.com/rest/api/1/export-template \ -H 'authorization: JWT <Token>' # Start export from project with id <projectId> # of folder with id <issueId> using template with id <templateId> # returns <taskId> curl -X POST https://eu.r4j-cloud.easesolutions.com/rest/api/1/projects/<projectId>/export \ -d '{"templateId": <templateId>, "itemOrIssueId": "<issueId>", "filter": null, "scope": "TREE_VIEW"}' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'authorization: JWT <Token>' # Poll export status, store reply to a file called <taskId> curl -X GET https://eu.r4j-cloud.easesolutions.com/rest/api/1/tasks/<taskId> \ -O \ -H 'authorization: JWT <Token>' # Check status of export jq -r '.status' <taskId> # If status “finished” # Convert data in data-field to docx (or xlsx, check with used template) jq -r '.data | .data' <taskId> | base64 --decode > /mnt/c/tmp/Export.docx