Endpoint example to export using template
Endpoint example to export using template
This is a quick tutorial on how to use easeRequirements web services using CURL command. The following example will allow a faster start for users to use the easeRequirements web services.
POST | https://eu.r4j-cloud.easesolutions.com/rest/api/1/projects/{projectId}/export | Export issue details on Word format |
The data in the response body when using easeRequirements REST API (excluding the file exported in Tree UI) is in base64 format and can be decoded to a Word document (.docx).
# Get list of projects (with projectId)
curl -X GET https://eu.r4j-cloud.easesolutions.com/rest/api/1/projects \
-H 'authorization: JWT <Token>'
# Get list of templates (with templateId)
curl -X GET https://eu.r4j-cloud.easesolutions.com/rest/api/1/export-template \
-H 'authorization: JWT <Token>'
# Start export from project with id <projectId>
# of folder with id <issueId> using template with id <templateId>
# returns <taskId>
curl -X POST https://eu.r4j-cloud.easesolutions.com/rest/api/1/projects/<projectId>/export \
-d '{"templateId": <templateId>, "itemOrIssueId": "<issueId>", "filter": null, "scope": "TREE_VIEW"}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'authorization: JWT <Token>'
# Poll export status, store reply to a file called <taskId>
curl -X GET https://eu.r4j-cloud.easesolutions.com/rest/api/1/tasks/<taskId> \
-O \
-H 'authorization: JWT <Token>'
# Check status of export
jq -r '.status' <taskId>
# If status “finished”
# Convert data in data-field to docx (or xlsx, check with used template)
jq -r '.data | .data' <taskId> | base64 --decode > /mnt/c/tmp/Export.docx
, multiple selections available,
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