Latest Updates of Excel Add-In
New features and improvements
Component | Issue Key | Summary | |
1 | Download Optimization | O4JVSTO-2076 | Sorting the download by the easeRequirements tree is optimized for more performance. |
2 | Upload Optimization | O4JVSTO-2030 | The plugin execution speed has been generally upgraded for the update process. |
3 | Download, Upload | O4JVSTO-2115 | Extended the maximum number of columns (26) supported by the plugin. Now the the plugin supports unlimited number of columns . |
4 | Cancel function | O4JVSTO-1988 | Cancelling processes in Load, Upload, Check and Refresh is executed immediately. |
Component | Issue Key | Summary | |
1 | Upload, new issue | EASE-19712, | Issue creation did not upload mandatory fields to the new created issue. |
2 | Upload: new issue with links | EASE-20106 | Creating new issues that have linked issue or mandatory epic links cause problems, fixed. |
3 | Upload: mandatory fields | EASE-19297, | Issue upload failed for issues with mandatory fields, but fields had values. |
4 | Upload: "Checklist" | EASE-19714 | Upload of issue with custom field type "Checklist" supported now. |
5 | Upload: "Multi-Select" | EASE-19777 | Upload of issues values of custom multi-select field type supported now. |
6 | Upload: Issues in multiple | O4JVSTO-2080 | Use of multiple trees for a single issue caused problems when trying to determine what tree to update. This has been fixed. |
7 | Download: Field selection | O4JVSTO-2012 | Filtering fields by project during the loading process had trouble with some fields, this has been fixed |
8 | Download: Performance | EASE-19712 | Slow performance to list fields for download, fixed. |
9 | Connection | EASE-20150 | Connection to Jira Cloud failed for special customer condition, fixed. |
Download: Excel2Jira_Setup_4.9.0.1298.msi
New features and improvements
Component | Issue Key | Summary | |
1 | Subtask creation | O4JVSTO-1985 | Creation of subtask need to have the parent issue key in the past. Now user can just specify the line number of the parent in current excel sheet. |
2 | Data Residency Support | O4JVSTO-1976 | Support of data residency feature with US based server integrated to allow usage of easeRequirements for Cloud on US-pinned data. |
3 | Field Selection | O4JVSTO-1967 | New Jira Cloud Parent-Child relation concept supported by “Parent” field for Epic-links and Subtasks. For Jira Data Center still the current fields “Epic Link” and “Sub-Task Parent Key” supported. |
4 | Data type support | EASE-15826 | All supported field types including easeRequirements custom fields documented. |
5 | Up/Down Load | O4JVSTO-1887 | Within Jira Data Center admin can define rate limits for API communication. The plugin consider these limits. |
6 | Load Data | O4JVSTO-140 | Listed fields for download can be reduced by project selection. |
7 | Load Data | O4JVSTO-1886 | Performance improvement for tree structure download of easeRequirements Cloud by using more performant API. |
8 | Load Data | O4JVSTO-1848 | The height of Excel rows is now dynamically adjusted to the cell content of the downloaded data. |
9 | Up/Download | O4JVSTO-1544 | User fields of Jira Cloud supported in various formats, as email or user name with id. |
10 | Upload Data | O4JVSTO-1817 | Upload button is enabled after a check was executed before. This is to avoid data modification by manual created table content. |
Component | Issue Key | Summary | |
1 | Subtask creation | EASE-18244 | Fix issues with the creation of subtask for given parent issue key. |
2 | Load Data | EASE-18568 | Huge number of issues in download (>10k issues) caused memory corruption in Excel. Reworked the memory access to avoid these issues. |
3 | Load Data | EASE-19074 | Fixed: Object reference error message caused by customer specific field content. |
4 | Load Data | EASE-18575 | Switching of Excel sheets is now supported when the download process is ongoing. |
5 | Load Data | EASE-19091 | Sort order by easeRequirements tree no considered for Jira Data Center |
6 | Check Data | O4JVSTO_1992 | Fixed reported error about issue key when a check was done on downloaded Jira data and multiple Excel sheets filled with data. |
7 | Upload Data | EASE-19093 | Fixed: The upload of new field values for the multi-user selection has caused a validation error. |
8 | Upload Data | EASE-18576 | Fixed folder creation issue on easeRequirements for Jira Cloud when the folder names include special characters. |
9 | Upload Data | O4JVSTO-1791 | Fixed upload error while an admin tries to modify the reporter field. |
Download: Excel2Jira_Setup_4.8.0.msi
New features and improvements
Component | Issue Key | Summary | |
1 | Configuration | EASE-14039, EASE-14108, EASE-15809, EASE-16263 | Source query for the data in your Excel sheet is stored within users setting configuration. Up to last ten used queries remembered, including instance and field selection.
No (query) data is stored in Excel - save to share export result with customers without revealing internal definitions. |
2 | Connection | EASE-18498 | Simplified the connection setup, the Jira token is enough to setup a valid connection to R4J Cloud (the unique R4J token is removed). This resolved problems due to R4J version upgrade. |
3 | Upload | O4JVSTO-1487 | Unknown fields (manually) specified in header highlightend with warning info. |
4 | UI | O4JVSTO-857, | Minor UI improvements to streamline functionality (check, reload, connections, icon resolution) |
Component | Issue Key | Summary | |
1 | Subtask creation | EASE-18244 | Fix issues with the creation of subtask for given parent issue key. |
2 | Custom Fields | EASE-18503 | Fixed problems with the download and upload of some user picker related fields from Jira Cloud. |
3 | Download | EASE-18654, EASE-17924 | Fixed problems in communication with Jira Cloud to download issues in correct sort order of R4J tree structure. |
4 | Upload | O4JVSTO-1365, | Problems with R4J folder structure names in parent/child relation resolved. |
5 | Upload | O4JVSTO-1881 | Fixed issues with Epic creation. |
6 | Check | O4JVSTO-1855 | Resolved problems with description field comparison caused by blank spaces at begin/end of text. |
Download: Excel2Jira_Setup_4.7.0.msi
New features and improvements
Component | Issue Key | Summary | |
1 | Load (R4J only) | EASE-3680, EASE-3758, EASE-7524, EASE-9064, EASE-9725, EASE-9908, EASE-16605, EASE-17663 | When R4J path field is selected, the user can select a project which is used for the sorting after download. Applies to R4J on Data Center and R4J on Cloud |
2 | Load (R4J only) | EASE-15710 | Issues located in one or more R4J CLoud projects are now listed with correct R4J path names (issue summies) instead of issue key. |
3 | Upload | O4JVSTO-1749 | For new created issues in Jira, the key is added to Excel immediately, not after final summary shown. |
4 | Upload (R4J Cloud only) | O4JVSTO-1726 | R4J Path variable can consist out of summary names and issue keys of the folders. |
Component | Issue Key | Summary | |
1 | Load Data | EASE-17931, EASE-18040, | Fixed issue with load dialog, which caused Excel plugin to crash when using Excel 2019 version |
2 | Load Data | EASE-17227 | Resolved problem with “ORDER BY” clause in saved filter. Now the order given from the filter is considered. |
Download: Excel2Jira_Setup_4.6.5.2.msi
New features and improvements
Component | Issue Key | Summary | |
1 | Upload | EASE-17525 | Values of time tracking fields “Original Estimate” and “Remaining Estimate“ always in seconds for easy calculation. The time tracking configuration of Jira are considered. |
2 | Upload | O4JVSTO-1725 | R4J Cloud: In case a folder name/structure exists multiple times, adding an issue will be interrupted and warning shown to define unique folder names. |
Component | Issue Key | Summary | |
1 | Upload | EASE-17525 | Upload of values for time tracking fields does not throw a warning anymore. |
2 | Load | EASE-17931 | Excel of Office Version 2019 closes not any more while user try to load data from Jira to Excel. |
3 | Load | EASE-18001 | R4J Path variable is now shown when valid R4J license exist. |
4 | Check | EASE-17613 | Check feature fixed, now highlights only modified fields. Jira comments do not influence the check feature. |
5 | Check | O4JVSTO-1769 | Corrected an issue that check of links showed false positives. |
6 | Check | O4JVSTO-1396 | Corrected an issue that checks failed on data and time fields. |
7 | Settings | O4JVSTO-1755 | Fixed issues with instance replaced by other instance configuration. |
Download: Excel2Jira_Setup_4.6.4.3.msi
New features and improvements
Component | Issue Key | Summary | |
1 | Data Handling | EASE-17525 | Support time tracking estimates at up and download |
2 | Data Handling | EASE-16975 | For R4J Cloud: Resolve issue keys of folders by folder name |
3 | Data Handling | EASE-15710 | For Jira Cloud: Use of user account-ID if email is not shared by Jira |
4 | Logging | EASE-9838 | Logfile includes user operation (abort/cancel etc) |
Component | Issue Key | Summary | |
1 | Upload | EASE-17684 | Fixed issue with folder of same name on different nodes are not uploaded |
2 | Upload | EASE-16846 | Fixed issues with field upload |
3 | Download | EASE-17613 | Fixed problem of overwriting other sheets in Excel |
4 | Download | EASE-15579 | Now Excel Plugin remembers selected query and fields again |
5 | Authentication | EASE-17484 | Fixed issue with token generation |
Download: Excel2Jira_Setup_4.6.3.1.msi
New features and improvements
Component | Issue Key | Summary | |
1 | Upload - Sub Tasks | EASE-12729 EASE-15760 EASE-15800 EASE-16058 | Added support for “Sub task“ field creation and linking. For documentation refer: Supported field types - R4J Data Center - Requirements Management for Jira - Confluence ( |
2 | Settings | O4JVSTO-846 | Connection Setup guidance provided to the user in case no instance is configured |
3 | Upload - Links | O4JVSTO-886 | Linking children to parent item using Excel row number supported |
4 | Upload - Links | EASE-13071 | "Issue Links" column of all linked issues are now updated |
Component | Issue Key | Summary | |
1 | Upload -Requirement path | O4JVSTO-1011 EASE-16301 EASE-16263 | Fixed upload exception error message which was appearing due to empty "Split Requirement Path" columns Fixed the errors occurring when trying to update Requirement Path within xls plugin |
2 | Load | EASE-15408 | Assignee and Reporter are now downloaded as full name in Excel |
3 | Upload - Mandatory fields | EASE-16233 EASE-16239 EASE-16264 | Fixed the errors which were occurring when uploading excel with mandatory fields |
Download: Excel2Jira_Setup_4.6.2.1066_beta.msi
Older Release (done in the name of R4J plugin):