After upgrading to R4J - Requirements Management for Jira 4.0 the manual migration of the coverage views fail and users cannot load them anymore in coverage view.
To resolve the problem and start the migration again, follow these steps:
Delete rows from Coverage Filters tables in the Jira DB:
TRUNCATE `jiradb`.`AO_1273F8_COV_FILTER`; TRUNCATE `jiradb`.`AO_242870_COV_FIL_MIGR`;
- Set logging level for com.easesolutions.requirements.model.service to DEBUG in http..<your_jira_instance>/secure/admin/ViewLogging.jsp
- Perform migration for filter again inĀ <your_jira_instance>/plugins/servlet/com.easesolutions.jira.plugins.requirements/migratefilters
The mentioned steps require to upgrade R4J to version 4.0.1 or later before executing.
If there are still problems, please contact customer support and attach latest atlassian-jira.log
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