Test Execution - Reference

Test Execution - Reference


A test execution provides documentation of a test run. This includes the test cases, their test steps and the corresponding status and results, as well as additional information such as the time of execution and various statistics. Explained below are the attributes of test executions, the views in which they are managed, the criteria available for filtering executions, and information about exporting executions in different formats.

Test Execution Attributes


The name identifies the test execution, which is set during creation of the execution, but can be changed at any time. The names of executions do not need to be unique. 


An optional description to document the test execution.


The user to which the test execution is assigned.


A project linked to the test execution. This is by default the project in which the execution is created, but a different project can be selected.

The execution belongs to the project in which it is created, regardless of the selected project.


One or more project components from the linked project.

Fix Version/s

One or more fix versions from the linked project.

Creation Date

The date and time the test execution is created. These are automatically set during creation and cannot be changed.

Start Date

The date and time the test execution is first started. This is automatically set at the start of the execution and cannot be changed. 

Execution Date

The date and time the test execution is completely finished. This is automatically set at the end of the execution and cannot be changed.


The status of the test execution. This is automatically set with the following values:

  • Not executed

  • Running

  • Failed

  • Passed


The test cases included in the test execution, which depends on the type of the execution:

  • test plan execution: The execution includes the test cases in the associated test plan at the time the execution is created.

  • single test case execution: The execution includes only that test case.

The execution’s test cases never change even if the test cases in the corresponding test plan are subsequently changed. 

Test Steps

The test steps included in the test execution’s test cases.

The execution’s test steps never change even if the test steps in the corresponding test cases are subsequently changed.

Result & Status

A test execution includes a status and a result description for each included test case and test step.

Test Execution Views





Execution View

The Execution View displays the various executions of test plans in a project. It is reached by selecting the Execution button in the set of R4J menus. The Execution View is split into two tables, one organized by test plan executions and the other by single test case executions. Various attributes of executions are displayed: test plan name, execution name, status, date of execution, assignee. In the case of test plan executions, a “last executions” bar shows the proportion of successful versus failed executions of the test plan.

Plan View

The Plan View is a closely related view that lists the test plans belonging to a project. It is reached by selecting the Plan button in the set of R4J menus. For details see Test Plans.

Test Execution Operations

See Test Execution - How-to Guide.

Test Execution Filter Criteria





Hide Plan Executions

Hide all test plan executions. Disables the "Plan Name" option.

Hide Single Test Executions

Hide all single test case executions. Disables the "Issue Summary" option.

Plan Name

Display executions in the test plan execution section whose plan name matches the provided string.

Issue Summary

Display executions in the single test execution section whose issue summary matches the provided string.

Execution Name

Display executions whose name matches the provided string.


Display executions with the selected status.


Display executions with the selected assignee.


Display executions linked to the selected project. 


Display executions with the selected component/s in the linked projects.

Fix Version/s

Display executions with the fixed version/s property set totthe selected fix version/s in the linked projects.

Execution From Date

Display executions created after the selected date.

Execution To Data

Display executions created before the selected date.

Test Execution Export

Test plan executions

Export format



The resulting file contains detailed information about test plan executions (including executions of deleted plans), as well as detailed information about the corresponding test plans. The export also provides item IDs that can be used to integrate another application via the easeTest REST API.


The resulting file contains information about test plan executions (including executions of deleted test plans). For each execution there is a row with the following columns:

  • name of the corresponding test plan

  • execution name

  • status of the execution

  • date and time the execution was created

  • date and time the execution was started

  • date and time the execution finished

  • assignee of the execution

Single test case executions

Export format



The resulting file contains detailed information about test plan executions. The export also provides item IDs that can be used to integrate another application with via the easeTest REST API.


The resulting file contains information about single test case executions. For each execution there is a row with the following columns:

  • key of the corresponding test case

  • execution name

  • status of the execution

  • date and time the execution was created

  • date and time the execution was started

  • date and time the execution finished

  • assignee of the execution

Last execution details

Export format



The resulting file contains detailed information about the test cases and test tests of the last executions of test plans (including executions of deleted plans). The export also provides item IDs that can be used to integrate another application with via the easeTest REST API.


The resulting file contains the names of test plans (including executions of deleted plans) and detailed information about the last execution for each plan, as follows:

  • Information about test cases included in the execution:

    • the plan tree path for the test case in the corresponding test plan

    • issue key

    • status

    • issue type

    • summary

    • description

  • Information about test steps of the included test cases:

    • test step name

    • description

    • expected result

    • execution status

    • execution date and time

    • assignee

Examples of XML exports

Test plan execution

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <executions> <projectName>PROJECT</projectName> <execution> <result> <id>47</id> <name>Example test execution</name> <description>An example test execution</description> <deleted>false</deleted> <assignee>admin</assignee> <passed>true</passed> <failed>false</failed> <running>false</running> <notrun>false</notrun> <created>2016-10-27T12:44:24.050+02:00</created> <started>2016-10-27T12:56:00.777+02:00</started> <finished>2016-10-27T12:56:00.777+02:00</finished> </result> <plan> <prjKey>PRJ</prjKey> <project>10100</project> <description/> <configuration>0</configuration> <id>81</id> <name>Example plan</name> <copying>false</copying> <copyFailed>false</copyFailed> <testCount>2</testCount> <stepCount>2</stepCount> </plan> </execution> <execution> <result> <id>48</id> <name>Example execution 2</name> <description/> <deleted>false</deleted> <assignee>admin</assignee> <passed>true</passed> <failed>false</failed> <running>false</running> <notrun>false</notrun> <created>2016-10-27T12:57:17.250+02:00</created> <started>2016-10-27T12:57:26.290+02:00</started> <finished>2016-10-27T12:57:28.273+02:00</finished> </result> <result> <id>46</id> <name>Another execution of the same test plan</name> <description/> <deleted>false</deleted> <assignee>admin</assignee> <passed>true</passed> <failed>false</failed> <running>false</running> <notrun>false</notrun> <created>2016-10-26T15:06:01.997+02:00</created> <started>2016-10-26T15:06:12.793+02:00</started> <finished>2016-10-26T15:06:29.680+02:00</finished> </result> <plan> <prjKey>PRJ</prjKey> <project>10400</project> <description>Another example testplan</description> <configuration>1</configuration> <id>76</id> <name>Example Plan 2</name> <copying>false</copying> <copyFailed>false</copyFailed> <testCount>3</testCount> <stepCount>2</stepCount> </plan> </execution> </executions> 

Single test case execution

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <executions> <projectName>PROJECT</projectName> <execution> <result> <id>48</id> <name>Example single test execution</name> <description/> <deleted>false</deleted> <assignee>admin</assignee> <passed>false</passed> <failed>false</failed> <running>false</running> <notrun>true</notrun> <created>2016-10-27T12:46:37.417+02:00</created> </result> <result> <id>34</id> <name>Another single test execution</name> <description/> <deleted>false</deleted> <assignee>admin</assignee> <passed>true</passed> <failed>false</failed> <running>false</running> <notrun>false</notrun> <created>2016-10-20T16:02:01.193+02:00</created> <started>2016-10-20T16:02:03.393+02:00</started> <finished>2016-10-20T16:02:03.393+02:00</finished> </result> <single> <issueKey>PRJ-20</issueKey> <issueSummary>Example test</issueSummary> <issueUrl>http://host:port/jira/browse/PRJ-20</issueUrl> </single> </execution> </executions> 

Last execution details

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <executions> <projectName>PRJ</projectName> <execution> <result> <id>47</id> <name>Example test execution</name> <description>An example test execution</description> <deleted>false</deleted> <assignee>Admin</assignee> <passed>true</passed> <failed>false</failed> <running>false</running> <notrun>false</notrun> <created>2016-10-27T12:44:24.050+02:00</created> <started>2016-10-27T12:56:00.777+02:00</started> <finished>2016-10-27T12:56:00.777+02:00</finished> <tests> <name>Example Test</name> <description>An example test</description> <descriptionRendered>&lt;p&gt;An example test&lt;/p&gt;</descriptionRendered> <failureMessage/> <folders>Example Folder</folders> <folders>Subfolder</folders> <failed>false</failed> <passed>true</passed> <notrun>false</notrun> <skipped>false</skipped> <steps> <name>Example test step</name> <description>An example test step</description> <failureMessage/> <failed>false</failed> <passed>true</passed> <notrun>false</notrun> <skipped>false</skipped> <expectedResult>-</expectedResult> <run>2016-10-27T12:56:00.777+02:00</run> <id>537</id> <parameters> <key>p1</key> <identifier>##p1##</identifier> <value>parameter value</value> </parameters> <originalDescription>An example test step</originalDescription> <executedBy>Admin</executedBy> <executedByUrl>http://host:port/jira/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=admin</executedByUrl> </steps> <finished>2016-10-27T12:56:00.777+02:00</finished> <id>197</id> <executedBy>Admin</executedBy> <executedByUrl>http://host:port/jira/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=admin</executedByUrl> <issueUrl>http://host:port/jira/browse/PRJ-20</issueUrl> <issueKey>PRJ-20</issueKey> <issueStatus>To Do</issueStatus> <issueType>New Feature</issueType> </tests> </result> <plan> <prjKey>PRJ</prjKey> <project>10400</project> <description/> <configuration>0</configuration> <id>81</id> <name>Example test plan</name> <copying>false</copying> <copyFailed>false</copyFailed> <testCount>2</testCount> <stepCount>2</stepCount> </plan> </execution> </executions>


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