Test Plan Tree - Reference

Test Plan Tree - Reference

A test plan consists of related test cases that are combined into a unit that is convenient to execute. The test cases in a test plan are organized hierarchically in a folder structure. The Test Plan Tree allows you to group related test cases together, which simplifies the development and execution of test cases.

Plan Tree View

The plan tree view is reached by selecting a test plan from the Plan View. The view consists of the following panels:

  • Definition Tree: The first panel contains the definition tree of the test plan’s project.

  • Plan Tree: The second panel contains the plan tree of the selected test plan. The plan tree contains folders and test cases below a root folder representing the test plan. The structure allows you to organize the test cases of a test plan in a way that makes sense for the project. Unlike the definition tree, the plan tree can contain the same test case multiple times. The order of the test cases in the plan tree determines their execution sequence, which is from top to bottom, depth-first, as displayed in the tree.

  • Issue Detail View: The third panel, which occupies most of the window, shows the issue details view as they are also shown in the definition tree. This view displays the important information about a test case and provides interfaces to edit the definition of a test case. It also displays issue links for the test case and provides methods to create, edit and delete issue links. Test case specific information for the selected test is also provided, namely: test steps, parameters, test plans that contain the selected test case, and the definition tree path of the selected test case.

Plan Tree Operations

See Test Plans - How-to Guide.

Plan Tree Filter

Filtering the plan tree is the same as filtering the test cases in the Definition View - see Filtering Test Cases.

Plan Tree Export

Exporting the plan tree is the same as exporting the test cases in the Definition View - see Exporting Test Cases.