Project Permissions

Project Permissions

Project Permissions

Here you can give certain user roles the ability to mange users of a project he has one of those roles in.

On this page:

  1. Login as JIRA Administrator
  2. Choose > Add-ons
  3. Select Absence for JIRA > Project Permissions from the sidebar
    (info) Keyboard shortcut 'g' + 'g' + start typing 'Project Permissions'
  4. You can either add (a), edit (b) or remove (c) a project permissions
    1. To add a new project permission click on the "Add project permission" button
      1. In the dialog that will be presented select a project and a list of project roles
      2. Users with the selected project roles will be able to manage absences for other users in this project
      3. Click the "Save" button
    2. To edit a project permission click on the pencil icon () in the row of the project permission
      1. In the dialog that will be presented edit the list of project roles
      2. Click the "Save" button
    3. To remove a project permission click on the trash icon () in the row of the project permission
      1. Confirm the removal by clicking the "Remove" button