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This page explain how to install the Excel to Jira Integration Add-In in their Excel client.

When upgrading from the legacy add-in (before version 3.2.0) you must manually uninstall the previous version, since the installers are not compatible.
Follow the steps described for Windows 10 and Windows 11 about how to uninstall the program "Office to Jira integration".


The latest Microsoft Visual Studio for Office Runtime from Microsoft must be installed on your PC. It can be downloaded directly from Microsoft here.


Latest Installer: Excel2Jira_Setup_4.9.0.1298.msi

Release notes: Excel Addin 4.x (latest)

  • The installer works for both Office 32- and 64-bit installations.

  • Before installing the add-in, all instances of Excel must be closed.

Configure the Jira connection

  • After running the installer, a new ribbon tab, "JIRA" should appear in Excel

  • Select the Settings option under the Jira ribbon. To connect, enter the Jira server URL, login user name, and password. It is possible to connect to different instances of Jira servers. (However, only one instance can be active at a time.)

  • Select the Test button in the Settings dialog to check if the add-in can successfully connect to the given instance of Jira.


If the new ribbon tab is not visible, please follow these steps.

Connection Settings

Before working with your issues, the connection to your Jira instance must be configured. Select the option Settings and enter the Jira URL and your username and password. With Save as... you can set up connections to different Jira servers.


  • Jira Server: Enter the URL of your Jira instance

    • Data Center format: http(s)://<your server with domain>/
      (depending on your setup, it could be also with a port number and further elements. Please check with your IT department))

    • Cloud format: https://<instance name>

  • Credentials:

  • Save password/tokens: Stores your credentials in an encrypted format on your Windows client.

  • Show changed values as Excel comments: Shows differences identified using the Check option as Excel comments.

  • Show Issue Key column as hyperlink: Displays Issue Keys as hyperlinks to Jira.

  • Maximum number of comments per issue: Number of latest comments downloaded from Jira when using the "Comments" field. A value “0” (zero) retrieves all comments.

After establishing a connection to a Jira instance, you can download issues with the Load Data option and upload them with the Upload Data option. See Load, Create and Update Issues.

Security Considerations

The communication between our Excel Plugin and Jira on your instance works via REST API communication. This way of communication is end-to-end encrypted when the user enters a HTTPS Jira link in the settings. The used encryption can be defined in your Jira instance, see How to modify the SSL/TLS version Jira uses for outbound connections for more details.

If the user select the “Save password/tokens” option in settings for the instance, the account´s password is stored encrypted on the local computer in the settings file. You can find the settings.json file at the folder

%appdata%\ease solutions\Office to Jira Integration


To identify any issues in the communication with the Jira instance as well as data quality, you can check the log file by following the link called “Go to the logging folder” in the settings dialog. Up to 11 logfiles stored in round-robin manner (each up to 10 MB) at

%appdata%\ease solutions\Office to Jira Integration

Latest logfile is always excel-log.txt

Installer log file is excel-installer-log.txt

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