Getting started

Getting started


easeRequirements for Azure DevOps is seamlessly integrated into Azure DevOps. It allows you to manage your requirements in a tree structure, read them in a document or tabular form, and analyze the dependencies and links between work items.


You can easily install the easeRequirements for Azure DevOps extension through the Azure Marketplace.

Navigation in easeRequirements for Azure DevOps

You can access the two modules from easeRequirements for Azure DevOps from the Boards menu.




The Requirements Tree allows you to create, manage, read, and export your project requirements. In the middle section, you can use the tree to navigate and organize the requirements. On the right side, you can read single requirements, or read requirements in a document or tabular format.

The Baselines module allows to see and manage the created baselines. A Baseline is a snapshot of the project requirements tree at a specific point in time, for future reference. This snapshot includes the whole tree with all work items providing a stable point for managing changes.

The Traceability Matrix allows you to view and manage the links between your project work items to ensure the correctness and coverage of the relationship between your project work items.

Preparing Azure DevOps for Requirements Management

This step is optional, but we highly recommend you to spend some time adjusting your Azure DevOps processes to incorporate work item types for handling requirements (e.g.: Customer Requirement, System Requirement, etc.). Most important, when organizing your requirements in the Requirements Tree, it is very helpful to have a Folder work item type.

Folders allow you to categorize and group related requirements together. By organizing requirements into folders, you can create a hierarchical structure that reflects the system architecture or the logical relationships between different components. This helps in maintaining a clear overview of the requirements and makes it easier to navigate and locate specific requirements within the tree.

To add new work item types in Azure DevOps and assign them your process, just follow the official documentation from Azure DevOps on how to Add or Modify a Work Item Type.

Project Folder configuration

To structure your Requirements Tree in folders, you need to tell ease Requirements which work item type you want to use for the folders. You don't need to create a new work item type for that, but we highly recommend you to do so instead of using the default work item types (like Issue or Epic) for the folders. Only project administrators can configure the Folder work item type.

To configure the folder work item type for a project:

  1. Select the desired project

  2. Open the Project settings

  3. In the Extensions section select Requirements settings

  4. In the field "Folder work Item type", select the desired work item type

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