Enhanced Baselines

Enhanced Baselines


easeRequirements Ultimate provides additional features for baselines:

  • Combine Baselines allows users to put together two different baselines from different parts of your projects into one baseline. For example, suppose you have software requirements and separate hardware requirements. You can then combine baselines from each to have one baseline covering both.

  • Revert Issues from Baseline allows users to overwrite the current values of fields for selected issues to the values they had in a previous baseline.








Combine Baselines (in Baselines View)

  • Select Baseline in the easeRequirements navigation bar.

  • Select the two desired baselines from the list.

  • Select Combine Selected Baselines.

  • Enter a name for the new baseline in the Merge Baselines dialog.

  • Select Combine.

  • The “current” baseline cannot be combined with another baseline.

  • If an issue exists in both baselines, the more recent revision is used in the combined baseline.

  • Baselines created in easeRequirements versions prior to 4.20 cannot be combined.

Combine Baselines (in Baselines Comparison View)

  • Select Baseline in the easeRequirements navigation bar.

  • Select the two desired baselines from the list.

  • Select Compare Selected Baselines.

  • Select Combine in the Baseline Comparison View.

  • Enter a name for the new baseline in the Merge Baselines dialog.

  • Select Combine.

Revert Issues from Baseline

  • Select Baseline in the easeRequirements navigation bar.

  • Select Current and the baseline in which issues have the desired values.

  • Select Compare Selected Baselines.

  • Select Revert in the Baseline Comparison View, which puts the view in revert mode.

  • Select the checkboxes of the issues to be reverted. If all issues are to be reverted, select the checkbox in the table head. Note that only issues with fields available for revert have checkboxes.

  • Select Revert Selected Issues.

  • In the Revert Baseline Issues dialog, select Revert. The dialog shows the issues that will be reverted and the fields whose values will be affected by the operation.

  • The fields to be reverted cannot be individually selected. That is, all the fields that differ between the current state of the issue and the state in the selected baseline are reverted to the values in the baseline.

  • To be reverted, an issue must be in the project tree, both in the current state of the project and in the selected baseline.

  • The following data cannot be reverted:

    1. Read-only fields such as Issue Key, Creation Date, Creator, etc.

    2. Issue Status

    3. Project Tree structure

    4. Attachments

    5. Links

    6. Worklog

  • Issues removed from Jira cannot be recreated.

The user must have update permission for the issues to be reverted.


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