In case of restricted user access, you need the "Reuse Configuration" permission for the project to access the reuse configuration. See Managing User Permissions for further information.


The systematic reuse of requirements acts as a building block to create new systems. R4J allows you to configure what will be included when requirements are copied from existing ones.

It's easy to specify which fields will be copied, whether related items or attachments will be included, and many more.

On this page:

Create a Predefined Reuse Configuration

Select Requirements > Reuse Configuration from the navigation bar.

From this view, the available actions are the following:

  • Create new configuration
  • Edit existing configuration
  • Delete existing configuration 

To create a new reuse rule, click on the Create new configuration button and fill the details in the configuration window.

See a description of the available options here.

After saving the configuration, it can be used in the tree during the Paste operation.