Customization of the coverage export is available starting R4J 4.0.
Locating the coverage export template
Go to the following directory
for a Jira Server environment:
for a Jira Data Center environment:
<JIRA_SHARED_HOME>/data/ease.coverage.files/default.templates Sample directory: /mnt/efs/jirashared/data/ease.coverage.files/default.templates /<MOUNT>/<SHARED_DRIVE>/<JIRA_SHARED_HOME>/data/ease.coverage.files/default.templates
In the directory, you will find the coverage-template.xlsx. Modify this file to your desired output using the available Context Item Types
Save changes and Close file
This change does not require a Jira instance restart. After editing the template, you should be able to export from coverage view with it.
You can download the default coverage template below and put it on the directory stated previously:
R4J Compatibility | Coverage Template | Notes |
R4J 4.6 - latest | Selected display fields in coverage view are automatically included in the exported file. | |
R4J 4.2 - R4J 4.5 | Number of issues and coverage completeness values are included in the column headers of the exported file. | |
R4J 4.1.5 below | First version. |
Template Language
The template language elements in the Excel Template are declared through an opening [[ marker and a closing ]] marker.
Currently, the template language only supports the context item types as stated in the next section.
Context Item Types
Context-items are evaluated and ultimately result in a text, boolean and number.
fromLevel : Index of column basis
labelName : Column name
linkTypes : Comma-delimited link types from filtered column
projects : Comma-delimited projects from filtered column
source : Value of issue filter used for column (Issue Types, Filter, JQL)
assignee : Name of Assignee
components : Comma-delimited list of Components
created : Create date
description : Description
displayFieldsRow : Values of the display fields selected in the coverage view
duedate : Due date
fixversions : Comma-delimited list of Fix Versions
labels : Comma-delimited list of Labels
linkedissues : Comma-delimited list of Link Issues
linkTypes : Comma-delimited list of Link Types
issuetype : Name of Issue Type
key : Issue Key
reporter : Name of Reporter
status : Name of Status
summary : Summary
priority : Name of Priority
resolution : Name of Resolution
url : Absolute URL to this JIRA issue
customfield_xxxxx : Value of custom field
issueSize: Number of issues in column
coverageDetail: Coverage completeness percentage
Custom field values supported are limited to the custom fields supported by the Display Fields in the Coverage View
Coverage percentage and number of issues not yet supported
Graphic elements are not yet supported
Wiki markup is not yet supported
Currently only supports single sheet template
Other JIRA entities not yet supported
Tree Folder not yet supported
Statements not yet supported