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Coverage View Tasks
Task | Action |
Create Coverage View | If there is no active coverage view, select the button “Select Source Items”. If a coverage view is displayed, first select the button “Clear All” and then select “Select Source Items”. Provide the information in the dialog “Select Source Items” - see task “Specify Coverage Level”. Select “Save View As” in the left column, providing a name for the view and specifying whether the view is for your use only (private) or shared with others (public).
Add Coverage Level | Select the button “Add Coverage Level”. Provide the information in the dialog “Add Coverage Level” - see task “Specify Coverage Level”. Select “Save View” in the left panel.
Edit Coverage Level | Select the Edit icon in the header of a column. Provide the information in the dialog “Update Coverage Level” or “Update Source Items” - see task “Specify Coverage Level”. Select “Save View” in the left panel.
Remove Coverage Level | |
Specify Coverage Level | The dialogs “Select Source Items”, “Update Source Items”, “Add Coverage Level” and “Update Coverage Level” are used to specify the contents of a coverage level column, according to the following information: Label: The title of the column. Source: Select one of the following options to determine how the issues in the column are to be identified. The input field above this item changes to reflect the choice of option. Issue Types - You will specify one or more issue types in the input field. Filter - You will select the name of a saved Jira query in the input field. JQL - You will provide an expression in the Jira Query Language in the input field.
Link Types: In the case of the “Add Coverage Level” and “Update Coverage Level” dialogs, this additional option is displayed, in which you specify the link types that are used to determine the relationship between issues in the column and issues in the preceding column. See section for more about this. Test Executions: If the issues in the column are test cases with test executions, select this option to add an extra column showing recent test executions of the cases. You can specify the number of executions to be shown. Project Name: By default, related test executions can be in any project, but you can limit this by specifying one or more projects here. Note that the projects specified here have nothing to do with projects of the issues to be included in the column being defined.
Refresh Coverage View | |
Determine Display Fields | |
Export Coverage View | |
Copy Coverage View | |
Rename Coverage View | |
Delete Coverage View | |
Get Link to Coverage View | |
How to Specify Link Types
Issues may be related to each other in various ways, using different so-called “link types” in Jira. A link type relates two issues, A and B, and has two directions, A → B and B → A. If the intention is that the relation is not symmetrical, the directions have different so-called “inward” and “outward” descriptions in Jira.
In the following example, we assume that you link requirements to test cases with the link type “Test” and the direction from requirement to test case (called “inward”) is described as “is tested by” and the direction from test case to requirement (called “outward”) is described as “tests”. That is, a given requirement is tested by a given test case, while the test case tests the requirement.
Now if the first column in your table is for customer requirements and the next column is for test cases, then you would specify the description “is tested by” in order to exclude other kinds of links that might exist between the issues.