Context Item Types

Context items are evaluated in expressions and statements. When context items are used as an expression, the resulting content will always be text.

Context items may be simple such as boolean, number, and text; or complex, in which case, they may have subordinate context items with properties that can be accessed using a path expression. Complex context items may have no path expression and in this case they have a default value which will be listed in the context-item definitions below.


  • <default> : Login name

  • active : Boolean context-item

  • displayname : Display Name


  • <default> : Sequence of ApplicationUser context-items

  • count : Number of ApplicationUser context-items

  • item(index) : Retrieve ApplicationUser in ApplicationUsers context-items by index. Index starts at 0.

  • tostring : Comma-delimited text ApplicationUsers context-item


  • <default> : File name

  • author : ApplicationUser context-item

  • created : Create date

  • size : Number of bytes

  • url : Download URL


  • <default> : Sequence of Attachment context-items

  • count : Number of Attachment context-items

  • item(index) : Retrieve Attachment in Attachments context-items by index. Index starts at 0.

  • tostring : Comma-delimited text of Attachments context-item


  • <default> : Baseline name

  • author : ApplicationUser context-item

  • created : Create date

  • description : Baseline description

  • name : Baseline name

  • project : Project context-item

  • revisions: Sequence of Revisions context-item

  • signature : BaselineSignature context-item. Only returns first signature in baseline.

  • signatures : Sequence of BaselineSignatures context-item

Baseline2 Data Center V4.20

  • <default> : Baseline name

  • author : ApplicationUser context-item

  • created : Create date

  • description : Baseline description

  • name : Baseline name

  • project : Project context-item

  • revisions: Sequence of Revisions context-item

  • signature : BaselineSignature context-item. Only returns first signature in baseline.

  • signatures : Sequence of BaselineSignatures context-item


  • <default> : Sequence of Baseline context-items

  • count : Number of Baseline context-items

  • item(index) : Retrieve Baseline in Baselines context-items by index. Index starts at 0.

  • tostring : Comma-delimited text of Baseline context-item

BaselineIssue Data Center V4.20

  • <default> : Empty

  • key: Baseline issue key

  • fields: Sequence of Fields context-item

BaselineIssues Data Center V4.20

  • <default> : Sequence of BaselineIssue context-items

  • count : Number of BaselineIssue context-items

  • item(index) : Retrieve BaselineIssue in BaselineIssues context-items by index. Index starts at 0.

BaselineSignature Data Center only

  • <default> : BaselineSignature ID

  • comment : Signing comments/description

  • created : Signing date

  • name : ApplicationUser context item

BaselineSignatures Data Center only

  • <default> : Sequence of BaselineSignature context-items

  • count : Number of BaselineSignature context-items

  • item(index) : Retrieve BaselineSignature in BaselineSignatures context-items by index. Index starts at 0.

  • tostring : Comma-delimited text of BaselineSignature context-item

Boolean Data Center only

  • <default> : either "true" or "false"


  • <default> : Comment Body content

  • author : Comment author as ApplicationUser context-item

  • created : Create date

  • updated : Updated date

  • updater : Comment updater as ApplicationUser context-item


  • <default> : Sequence of Comment context-items

  • count : Number of Comment context-items

  • item(index) : Retrieve Comment in Comments context-items by index. Index starts at 0.

  • tostring : Comma-delimited text of Comments context-item


  • <default> : Name

  • description : Description

  • lead : ApplicationUser context-item

  • name : Name


  • <default> : Sequence of Components context-items

  • count : Number of Component context-items

  • item(index) : Retrieve Component in Components context-items by index. Index starts at 0.

  • tostring : Comma-delimited text of Components context-item

Duration Data Center only

  • <default> : Number of milliseconds

Field Data Center V4.20

  • <default> : Empty

  • DisplayFieldsLabel : Baseline issue field name

  • DisplayFieldsValue / DisplayFieldsValue1 : Issue field value on the left baseline

  • DisplayFieldsValue2 : Issue field value on the right baseline

Fields Data Center V4.20

  • <default> : Sequence of Field context-items

  • count : Number of Field context-items

  • item(index) : Retrieve Field in Fields context-items by index. Index starts at 0.


  • <default>: Folder name

  • description : Folder description

  • folders : Sequence of Folder context-items

  • folderissues : Sequence of Issue context-items

  • folderpages : Sequence of Page context-items

  • name : Folder name 

  • numbering : Hierarchy number of the folder

  • path : Folder path


  • <default> : Sequence of Folder context-items

  • count : Number of Folder context-items

  • item(index) : Retrieve Folder in Folders context-items by index. Index starts at 0.

  • tostring : Comma-delimited text of Folders context-item


  • <default> : Key

  • affectedversions : Sequence of Version context-items

  • assignee : ApplicationUser Context-Item

  • attachments : Sequence of Attachment context-items

  • children : Sequence of Issue context-items of the child requirements of the issue

  • comments : Sequence of Comment context-items

  • components : Sequence of Component context-items

  • created : Create date

  • creator : ApplicationUser context-item

  • description : Description

  • duedate : Due date

  • environment : Environment name

  • estimate : Duration context-item

  • fixversions : Sequence of Version context-items

  • folderissues : Sequence of Issue context-items for the child requirements of the issue

  • ischildissue : Boolean context item whether it is a child requirement issue

  • issuetype : Name of issue type

  • key : Key

  • labels : Sequence of Label context-items

  • linkedissues : Sequence of LinkedIssue context-items

  • parent : Issue context-item of parent issue if the issue is a subtask

  • parentissuekey : Issue key of parent issue in a parent/child relation

  • path : Requirements Path

  • priority : Priority context-item

  • project : Project context-item

  • resolution : Resolution context-item

  • reporter : ApplicationUser context-item

  • revisions : Sequence of Revision context-Items

  • securitylevelid : Number context-item

  • status : Status context-item

  • subtasks : Sequence of Issue context-items

  • summary : Summary

  • updated : Update date

  • url : Absolute URL to this JIRA issue

  • votes : Number context-item of votes

  • watches : Number context-item of watcher

  • "name of custom field" : context-item for the type of custom field

  • customfield_xxxxx : context-item for the type of custom field
    e.g. export of R4J issue revision number

Some (custom) field types need a .toString conversion to get a readable result in the export.
Adding .toString is mandatory for custom field types that expect multiple values - e.g., Select List(Multiple Choice)
Example: [[$."name of custom field".toString]]


  • <default> : Sequence of Issue context-items

  • count : Number of Issue context-items

  • item(index) : Retrieve Issue in Issues context-items by index. Index starts at 0.

  • tostring : Comma-delimited text of Issues context-item

Item Data Center V4.17 Cloud

  • <default>: Folder name

  • itemtype : Item type which can be “Folder”, “Issue” or “Page”

Items Data Center v4.17 Cloud

  • <default> : Sequence of Item context-items

  • count : Number of Item context-items

  • item(index) : Retrieve Item in Items context-items by index. Index starts at 0.

  • tostring : Comma-delimited text of Items context-item


  • <default> : Label Name


  • <default> : Sequence of Labels context-items

  • count : Number of Label context-items

  • item(index) : Retrieve Label in Labels context-items by index. Index starts at 0.

  • tostring : Comma-delimited text of Labels context-item


  • <default> : Issue Key of linked issue

  • in : Boolean context-item whether it is an inbound link

  • issue : Issue context-item of linked issue

  • name : Link name

  • out : Boolean context-item whether it is an outbound link

  • type : Link-Type Name


  • <default> : Sequence of LinkedIssue context-items

  • count : Number of LinkedIssue context-items

  • item(index) : Retrieve LinkedIssue in LinkedIssues context-items by index. Index starts at 0.

  • tostring : Comma-delimited text of LinkedIssues context-item

Metadata Data Center only

  • <default>: Name of template used for generated export

  • templatename: Name of template used for generated export

  • creationdate: Creation date for generated export

  • creator: ApplicationUser context-item of user that generated export

  • templatefile: File name of template used for generated export

  • templatecreator: Creator of template used for generated export

  • templatecreated: Creation date of template used for generated export

Number Data Center only

  • <default> : Number value

Option Data Center only

  • <default> : Option text value

Options Data Center only

  • <default> : Sequence of Option context-items

  • count : Number of Option context-items

  • item(index) : Retrieve Option in Options context-items by index. Index starts at 0.

  • tostring : Comma-delimited text of Options context-item

Page Data Center only

  • <default>: Confluence page title

  • content: Rendered Confluence page

  • created: Created date

  • creator: Creator of Confluence page

  • title: Confluence page title

  • url: Absolute url of Confluence page

  • updated: Updated date

Pages Data Center only

  • <default> : Sequence of Page context-items

  • count : Number of Page context-items

  • item(index) : Retrieve Page in Pages context-items by index. Index starts at 0.

  • tostring : Comma-delimited text of Pages context-item


  • <default> : Priority Name


  • <default> : Key

  • components : Sequence of Component context-items

  • description : Description

  • folders : Sequence of Folder context-items

  • folderissues : Sequence of Issue context-items

  • key : Key

  • manager : ApplicationUser context-item

  • name : Name

  • versions : Sequence of Version context-items


  • <default> : Sequence of Project context-items

  • count : Number of Project context-items

  • item(index) : Retrieve Project in Projects context-items by index. Index starts at 0.

  • tostring : Comma-delimited text of Projects context-item

Property Data Center only

  • <default> : Empty string

  • description : Text context-item of the Word file property "comments"

  • keywords : Text context-item of the Word file property "keywords"

  • subject : Text context-item of the Word file property "subject"

  • title : Text context-item of the Word file property "title"

  • author : Text context-item of the Word file property "author"


  • <default> : Name

  • description : Description

  • name : Name


  • baselines : Sequence of Baseline context-items

  • date : Revision TimeStamp

  • fields : Sequence of RevisionField context-items

  • number : Revision number

  • user : ApplicationUser context-item

  • currentRevision : Boolean context-item


  • <default> : Sequence of Revision context-items

  • count : Number of Revision context-items

  • item(index) : Retrieve Revision in Revisions context-items by index. Index starts at 0.

  • tostring : Comma-delimited text of Revisions context-item


  • field : Name

  • changed : Boolean ContextItem

  • oldvalues: Sequence of Text context-items

  • newvalues: Sequence of Text context-items


  • <default> : Sequence of RevisionField context-items

  • count : Number of RevisionField context-items

  • item(index) : Retrieve RevisionField in RevisionFields context-items by index. Index starts at 0.

  • tostring : Comma-delimited text of RevisionFields context-item

Server Data Center only

  • <default> : Instance name

  • url : Base URL of instance

  • version : JIRA version name


  • <default> : Name


  • <default> : Text content


  • <default> : Sequence of Text context-items

  • count : Number of Text context-items

  • item(index) : Retrieve Text in Texts context-items by index. Index starts at 0.

  • tostring : Comma-delimited text of Texts context-item


  • <default> : Name


  • <default> : Sequence of Version context-items

  • count : Number of Version context-items

  • item(index) : Retrieve Version in Versions context-items by index. Index starts at 0.

  • tostring : Comma-delimited text of Versions context-item