How to find app SEN-number


How to find app SEN-number

To be eligible for support requests you will need to have an active app maintenance subscription or trial license.
Our support team may ask you for your SEN number (e.g. SEN-6123456) to validate the active license. This section will show you how to retrieve it.


To find the app SEN number in Jira you can follow one of the two approaches:

As a Jira Administrator

  1. Log in to Jira as a system administrator
  2. Open the Manage Apps (Manage Add-ons for Jira 7.x) administration page
  3. Locate the app and expand the panel
  4. You can find the SEN number here:

 As a Technical Contact or Billing Contact

  1. Log in to my.atlassian.com
  2. Search for the relevant product
  3. You can find the SEN number here: