Coverage Completeness Formula

Coverage Completeness Formula


easeRequirements provides you the option to choose what formula to use when computing the coverage statistics in the coverage view.

The Jira administrator can change the formula by going to the app admin section at Apps > Manage your apps > Configuration (see also Configuration).

Changing the formula affects all saved coverage views of all projects.

Calculation options





Issue based Calculation

Completeness is calculated based on the not covered issues from previous column divided by the total issues from previous column.

See formula below:

a = number of ISSUES in PREVIOUS column b = number of ISSUES in PREVIOUS column NOT COVERED in CURRENT column coverage = (a - b) / a * 100

Default formula used in coverage completeness.

Row based Calculation

Completeness is calculated based on the not covered rows from previous column divided by the total rows from previous column.

See formula below:

a = TOTAL number of ROWS in PREVIOUS column b = number of ROWS NOT COVERED in CURRENT column coverage = (a - b) / a * 100