
Get all requirement paths for all issues returned by a specific JQL query.

(warning) Known issue: Does not work for JQL using path delimiters.
Fixed in com.easesolutions.jira.plugins.requirements/1.0/issue/req-path

POSTcom.easesolutions.jira.plugins.requirements/1.0/issue/req-path Get all requirement paths for all issues returned by a specific JQL query.

Get all requirement paths for all issues returned by the given JQL query.

Since an issue can be part of multiple project trees there may exist more than one requirement path for an issue.
This function lists all requirements paths for an issue for all project trees that contain this issue.
The set of issues to return the requirement paths for is determined by the given JQL query.



jql*stringthe JQL statement


- Returned if a requirements path for an issue is found

		issueKey: "TEST-1",
		paths: [
				projectKey: "TEST"
				path: "/MyPath/Test"
				projectKey: "PROD"
				path: "/TestFolder"
		issueKey: "TEST-2",
		paths: []
		issueKey: "TEST-3",
		paths: [
				projectKey: "TEST"
				path: "/TestFolder"

- Returned if the JQL is invalid

- Returned if invalid user credentials, or the user has no permission

- Returned if the license is invalid or has expired, or incompatible JIRA version

Get all requirement paths for all issues returned by the given JQL query. (info) Supports JQL with path delimiters

Since an issue can be part of multiple project trees there may exist more than one requirement path for an issue.
This function lists all requirements paths for an issue for all project trees that contain this issue.
The set of issues to return the requirement paths for is determined by the given JQL query.



jql*stringthe JQL statement


- Returned if a requirements path for an issue is found

		issueKey: "TEST-1",
		paths: [
				projectKey: "TEST"
				path: "/MyPath/Test"
				projectKey: "PROD"
				path: "/TestFolder"
		issueKey: "TEST-2",
		paths: []
		issueKey: "TEST-3",
		paths: [
				projectKey: "TEST"
				path: "/TestFolder"

- Returned if the JQL is invalid

- Returned if invalid user credentials, or the user has no permission

- Returned if the license is invalid or has expired, or incompatible JIRA version