Get a rough overview on where we are heading to with R4J - Requirements Management for Jira. Please refer to the release notes for details about released features.

Shipped (Past 6 Months)

Next 1-2 Releases

Next 3-6 Month


Detail View

(blue star) Inline editing incl JEditor
(blue star) Fields display aligned with Jira UI

Jira “More” button,
Compact link tables

Tree view

(blue star) Display fields selector (for tree items)

Extended Excel export templates,
Improve tree filter performance

Display fields selector (additional fields/icons),
Consolidated context menu,
folder statistic chart

Automatic Parent-Child linking,
Search feature

Reading View

(blue star) Display fields selector

(blue star) Inline editing

Drag and drop to tree location,
compact reading view layout

Default display fields admin

Tabular view

(blue star) Display fields selector

Full context menu support,
Linked issues field

Default display fields admin

Coverage View

(blue star) Configure coverage formula
Excel export templates

Search and Filter

Default display fields admin

Traceability Matrix

(blue star)

Custom Excel export

Display fields selector (new)


(blue star)


(blue star) Compare against current issues
(blue star) Baselines in tree view

Reuse as flat list,
Excel export templates,

Reuse consider structure,
Word Export templates,
Custom Fields,


(blue star) Issues in Epics

Reuse result summary

Visual reuse support


(blue star) Background export handling

(blue star) New context items and expressions to support mixed item order export

Excel template language

Assign export templates per project and view

and more features

(blue star) Use of permission schemes and supporting roles and users

Jira 10 compatibility

UI Rework

Support for 3rd-party app custom fields

You are planning to go for R4J on Jira Cloud? Please see the comparison of R4J Cloud and Data Center features for latest update.

Not yet using R4J - Requirements Management for Jira?
Download it now and try for free for up to six months.

Want to know more about the features?
Contact our support team for more details.

Interested in being first in line to try new features?
We can invite you to join our beta programs.

Disclaimer: This information is being shared in order to outline some of our current product plans. We are hopeful that the following can shed some light on our road map, but it is important to understand that it is being shared for informational purposes only, and not as a binding commitment. Please do not rely on this information in making purchasing decisions because ultimately, the development, release, and timing of any products, features or functionality remains at the sole discretion of Ease Solutions, and is subject to change.