
Requirements in easeRequirements are, at the bottom, Jira issues. So when you migrate your Jira Data Center instance to a Jira Cloud instance, you have thereby also migrated your requirements - albeit without the extra data created by easeRequirements.

There are three ways of migrating extra easeRequirements data from Data Center to Cloud. All of them are only partial solutions since they provide for the transfer of project tree data but not for other data such as coverage views. However, even if a migration method is not available, certain sorts of easeRequirements data can be recreated by hand.

The following sections explain which data can be migrated and the different migration methods, as well as which data can be recreated by hand.

What easeRequirements data can be migrated or recreated by hand?


Can be migrated?

Can be recreated by hand?


Project Tree



Project tree data, including folders (folder name, description and attachments), can be completely migrated using one of the methods described below.


References to Confluence pages in project trees cannot be migrated.

References to Confluence pages in project trees cannot be migrated.




Coverage views cannot be migrated but can be recreated by hand. This is due to a difference in query functions between Jira Data Center and Cloud.




Traceability views cannot be migrated but can be recreated by hand. This is due to a difference in query functions between Jira Data Center and Cloud.




Baselines cannot be migrated or recreated. Ease Solutions can help on consultancy basis to transfer the baseline data.

Administration configuration



Configuration can be recreated by hand, but note that easeRequirements Cloud administration is organized somewhat differently than DC administration.

Export templates



Export templates should be downloaded by hand and then uploaded to Cloud.

Not all features of the template language are as yet supported in Cloud, so export templates should be reviewed and possibly modified to work as expected. See the items labeled in Context Item Types, Expressions and Statements.

Migration Methods

Self-service using ReqIF Files

With this method, you export the desired projects in the Jira DC instance to exchange files and then import these files into the Jira Cloud instance. The files are formatted in the Requirements Interchange Format Specification (REQIF).

  • In the DC instance, you first export project trees. The ReqIF files generated here will be used to import the structures to easeRequirements Cloud.

  • In your Cloud instance, you then import the exported trees.

For a full description of the migration process, see How to migrate from Jira Data Center to Jira Cloud using ReqIF.

Self-service using Python scripts and REST APIs

This method is suited for advanced users with programming knowledge. We provide an open-source Python script that illustrates the use of APIs to migrate easeRequirements trees - see https://github.com/easesolutions/r4j-cloud-api-samples. The readme file provides all the needed information to run the script.

Please note we cannot provide any support or warranties for the use of this method.

Professional Services

To minimize effort and reduce risks, you can have us perform the entire migration. Please contact our support team for more information.