
Very large project trees have some difficulties in loading the tree view. This is especially noticeable when several folders are expanded on load with “Remember Tree Selection“ enabled or when using “Expand All“. Additionally, when the tree is loading items, the context menu for any action in the tree is inaccessible and this blocks the use of the feature.


From R4J 4.4, there is an improved behavior for expanding folder and issue items when selected. Instead of infinite recursion depth, only the items immediately below are expanded when a folder or an entry in the tree is selected.

An additional workaround is to add a “reset” query parameter to the R4J URL. This parameter allows any user to reset his tree to a collapsed state and abort the expansion of a large tree structure.

Example Usage:


The &reset parameter will do the following:

Further improvements on the tree structure are being worked on with high priority. While this is ongoing, below are some recommendations to avoid the issue: