Main View: Definition View
Specific views: Definition Tree, Reading View, Issue Detail View
Workflow: Test Definition
The purpose of test definition is to create and organize test cases for use in test plans and test execution. A test case is a Jira issue in a project that has been activated for T4J. The issues have enhanced features for testing.
Every test project has its own definition tree, which serves as the framework for creating test plans including the test cases. (But note that a given plan may include test cases from multiple projects. It is also possible for a test case to be part of multiple definition trees in different projects.)
A test case represents a single executable entity that tests some aspect of an application. It can be executed on its own or as part of a test plan. Test steps represent atomic actions that are to be carried out and evaluated during the execution of a test. Test parameters represent key-value pairs that serve as variables in test steps. They are used to input plan specific or execution specific data to test steps without the need to modify the test definition.
The following pages provide details: