Access easeRequirements Cloud REST API Endpoints with an easeRequirements API Token.
As an administrator, you can manage easeRequirements API Tokens for users by going to the easeRequirements Ease Requirements section at Apps > Manage your apps > API Token.
As a user, you can manage easeRequirements API Tokens by going to Your profile and settings > easeRequirements R4J - API Token.(Depreciated)
Jira endpoints must be accessed with Jira API Tokens.
Ease update of the app removes the easeRequirements - API Tokens created/stored by users.
Info |
As long-term stable solution use your email address and Jira token as credentials for basic authentication. |
Table of Contents |
Purpose | Operation | ||
Create an API Token | Click on the Create API Token button to generate a new API token for the selected user. Indicate a label for the token and click on the “Copy“ button once it’s generated.
| ||
Revoke an API Token | Click on Revoke to permanently revoke access for the selected API Token. | ||
Revoke all API Tokens | Click on Revoke All API Tokens to permanently revoke access to all API Tokens.