

Table of Contents
excludeSyntax|Supported Fields|Supported Operators|Examples|Test Definition Folder|Test Definition Path|Test Plan|Failed in Execution


Test Definition - User interface

The test definition view can be reached by selecting a test project from the Tests section in the main navigation bar.
The view consists of three parts:

Definition Tree

The definition tree is located on the left side of the view and is always visible.
It's used to organize the tests needed in the selected test project.
To edit the definition of a test it has to be part of a definition tree.
Tests that are part of a definition tree can also be added to test plans more easily later.

The definition tree contains folders and tests below a root folder named after the corresponding project.
This allows you to organize and structure the tests of your test projects.

Every test can occur one time in the definition tree.
From there it can be added to multiple test plans.

Selecting a test in the definition tree opens the issue detail view for this test on the right side.
Selecting a folder in the definition tree opens the reading view for this folder on the right side. 

Reading View

The reading view provides an alternative perspective on the content of a tree folder.
It's located on the right side of the definition view and is only visible if a folder (including the root folder) is selected in the definition tree.

The reading view displays the folder selected in the definition tree and visible subfolders as list.
For every displayed folder the contained tests are also displayed. 

Issue Detail View

The issue detail view displays all important information about a test and provides interfaces to edit the definition of a test.
It's located on the right side of the definition view and is only visible if a test is selected in the definition tree.

As described in the Tests - Concept Guide test are JIRA issues extended by the possibility to attach test steps and test parameters.
The issue detail view displays all information about the test / issue similar to the standard JIRA issue view.
It also displays issue links for the test and provides methods to create, edit and delete issue links.
It also displays test specific information for the selected test such as

  • test steps 
  • parameters
  • test plans that contain the selected test
  • the definition tree path for the selected test
