

Definition Tree - Context menu operations

The definition tree can contain items of three different types.
These are tree folders, test items and a root folder.
Each of these item types has its own set of context menu entries, whereby some menu entries are present in more than one set.
For each of the following context menu operations the item types providing this operation are indicated.

Folder related operations

Available for:tree folderroot foldertest item
Create folderOpens the create folder dialog.
Within the dialog you can enter a name and a description for the new folder.
Note that the names of folders with the same parent folder have to be unique.
Click Create to create the new folder below the selected one. 

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EditOpens the edit folder dialog.
The dialog allows you to change the name and the description of a folder.

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DeleteOpens the delete folder dialog.
Deleting a folder will also delete all subfolders and remove all contained tests from the definition tree.
The tests won't be deleted and can be added again later.

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Expand allExpands the selected tree folder and all subsequent folders.

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Collapse allCollapses the selected tree folder and all subsequent folders.

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Refresh folderRefresh the folders content and fetch new data from server.

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Show in issue navigatorOpens the JIRA issue navigator in a new browser tab / window.
Applies a search query using the testDefinitionPath JQL extension to display all issues contained
in the selected folder and its subsequent folders in the issue navigator. 

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CutStage a folder or test for cutting.

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PastePaste staged content into the selected folder.
Note that the staged content will be moved to the new folder not copied.
Cutting and pasting can be used only within the same plan tree.
A staged test can be pasted to every folder of the same plan tree.
A staged folder can be pasted to the root folder of the same plan tree.
Moving a folder to another tree folder can be done via drag and drop. 

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Test related operations

Available for:tree folderroot foldertest item
Create issueOpens the JIRA Create Issue dialog.
More information to creating issues can be found in the JIRA documentation.
Click Create to create the new issue / test and add it to the selected folder or the parent
folder if a test item was selected.

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Add existing issuesOpens the add existing issues dialog.
Select Add all ... to add all issues created on the selected test project that aren't already part of the tree.
Select Search for issues to search for recently viewed issues to add them to the selected folder.
Select From filter to add all issues matching the provided filter or JQL query.
Note that when selected Search for issues or From filter the selected issues do not necessarily come
from the same project the definition tree belongs to.
Also issues that are already part of this definition tree won't be added. 

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Edit issueOpens the JIRA Edit Issue dialog.
More information to editing issues can be found in the JIRA documentation.

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Add linkOpens the add link dialog.
This allows you to  add a JIRA issue link between the test selected in the definition tree and one or more
tests selected from the dialog. 

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Test executionOpens the add execution dialog for this particular test.
This allows you to create and run a single test execution right out the definition tree.
For further information take a look at the Test Execution - Reference. 

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RemoveOpens the remove test dialog.
The test will only be removed from the definition tree.
It won't be deleted and can be added again later. 

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Definition Tree - Drag and drop operations

The definition tree supports the following drag and drop operations:

  • Change folder positions
  • Change the folder hierarchy
  • Change the position of tests
  • Move tests between folders



Definition Tree - Export

Click on the Export button to open the export menu.
Select an export format from the list to export the definition tree content to.
The exported content depends on the type of the item currently selected.
An applied filter also affects the exported content.

The following tables describe the export content in each format depending on issue type and applied filter.

Since the XML export provides information that can be used to integrate another application with T4J via its REST API a complete example export file is provided.
The example file is the result of an export with the root folder of the definition tree selected and no filter applied. It covers the structure of the root item, a folder item and a test item.
Note that there's no example export for Excel and Word since those export formats are mostly used for internal documentation purposes. Therefore a textual description of the content should be sufficient. 

Plan Tree - Export formats


Type of the selected tree itemContentFilter applied
Test itemDetailed information about the selected test item including item ids that can be used for REST API calls.

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Contains the same information stated above.

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Tree folderContains no information except for the following items: <trees><tree/></trees> 

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Detailed information about the selected tree folder and all subsequent folders and contained test items.

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Root folder or nothing selectedDetailed information of the root folder.

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The content is equivalent to the content when selecting a tree folder just with the root folder as top level element. 

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Code Block
titleExample response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                    <name>Example Folder</name>
                    <description>An example folder</description>
                    <nameDisplay>Example Folder</nameDisplay>
                        <description>A subfolder of the example folder.</description>
                            <description>test description</description>
                            <descriptionHTML>&lt;p&gt;test description&lt;/p&gt;</descriptionHTML>
                            <issueType>New Feature</issueType>
                            <status>To Do</status>
                                    <name>Custom - Hidden Job Switch</name>
                                <linkName>is blocked by</linkName>
                                <issueSummary>Linked Issue</issueSummary>
                                <status>To Do</status>
                                    <name>Example Test Step</name>
                                    <description>An example test step using parameter p1: ##p1##</description>
                                    <result>The expected result.</result>
                                    <value>parameter value</value>
                            <path>Example Folder</path>
                            <combinedPath>\PRJ\Example Folder\Subfolder</combinedPath>


Type of the selected tree itemContentFilter applied
Test itemContains basic information about the selected issue. Also contains information about issue links, test steps,
parameters and custom JIRA issue fields. 

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Contains the same information stated above.

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Tree folderContains no information.

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Contains the name of the selected folder. Contains the folder path for all issues contained in the selected folder
and subsequent folders. Also contains basic informations for those issues and information about the test steps. 

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Root folder or nothing selectedContains the name of the project.

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The content is equivalent to the content when selecting a tree folder just with the root folder as top level element.

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Type of the selected tree itemContentFilter applied
Test itemContains basic information about the selected test item. Also contains information about issue links, test steps,
parameters and custom JIRA issue fields. 

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Contains the same information stated above.

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Tree folderContains no information.

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Contains the name of the selected folder and all subsequent folders and basic information about the
contained issues. 

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Root folder or nothing selectedContains the name of the project.

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The content is equivalent to the content when selecting a tree folder just with the root folder as top level element.

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