As a Jira administrator, install the plugin - see Installation.
As a Jira user, go to a project, where you will find a new menu item in the left panel called “Risk Management”.
Select the menu item to open the project’s Risk Register, which lists the issues of the project.
Select the “+” icon next to the key of a risk issue to show the associated measure issues intended to handle that are associated with the risk issue.
Select “Add Measure” to associate a measure issue with a risk issue.
As a Jira administrator, configure your Jira instance to get the most out of easeRisk for Jira - see Configuring Jira for Risk Management.
As a Jira administrator, configure Risk Management Schemes in easeRisk for Jira - see Configuring Risk Management Schemes.
As a Jira user, learn more about easeRisk for Jira features:
Risk Register
Risk Matrix
Top Risk Report
Risk Management Boards