Sub-task creation and linking
The plugin supports sub-task load, upload and creation. User can add sub-tasks to a new or existing parent issues using a new field "Sub-task Parent key".
Instructions to create and link Sub-task
Load the Jira project in excel with field type “Sub-Task Parent Key”
Add a new issue in excel with Issue type “Sub-task”
Update the “Sub-Task Parent Key” for this issue
Upload the changes
The Sub-task will be created on Jira and linked to the parent issue
Additional line reference feature:
The "Sub-taks Parent Key" also understands when the number of a line in excel is updated instead of an Issue Key. If you want the parent of the Subtaks to be the issue on line 4, then write "4" into the "Sub-taks Parent Key".
Changing the parent of a Sub-task is a feature only available through the Jira webpage, trying to do so through the plugin is not possible at the moment.